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News from Beta - May Contain Spoilers!


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Greetings all. Chapter 21 is out on Beta, read here. This will be released on Thursday July 20th, and will clash with the start of the Fellowship Adventures there and the release of Aqua Splendor here.

Also, I will have information for you on the tweaks to what is believed to a modified version of G for Thursday's Adventure (links to follow). Rewards are Dragonheart Estate Artifact and Tome of Aquatic Shows. Link to follow
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
One of the new settlement goods required to complete chapter 21 is only produced in your Main Hall, Barracks, Residences, and Workshops. So lots of fun for those players who do not use residences for coins or workshops for supplies, or who have avoided leveling up their Barracks. Also, the way the settlement goods and researches are done, the BTG may have zero benefit in chapter 21, but we will not know that for sure until Thursday and people can actually see what happens.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
I read that the Vallorian Seal Tower is pretty much worthless in this chapter. If the BTG is also worthless that really stinks!!

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I read that the Vallorian Seal Tower is pretty much worthless in this chapter. If the BTG is also worthless that really stinks!!

As I was reminded of on the Beta forum, the Seal Tower is much more for the reduction of Unurium decay, rather than the little amount of Unurium you get when collecting from residences, so it is not going anywhere. but for the BTG, we have to wait and see.

Deborah M

Oh Wise One
If you think so. I’m not happy that we lose the unarium. It may not be enough but it does contribute to what is needed so that was one reason I built & leveled it up.


Set Designer
I read that the Vallorian Seal Tower is pretty much worthless in this chapter. If the BTG is also worthless that really stinks!!
The response was that the Seal Tower would produce something from community works, but far less quantity wise than from regular taxes. It would be nice if community works was buffed by the culture bonus.
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Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
One thing for all of us at the end of chapter 20 to remember is that the gap between Beta and live is generally 2 weeks, unless more bugs than usual emerge with the new chapter. So we should be looking at Aug 3rd for chapter 21 to hit the Live servers.


Well-Known Member
1) where do we select what bonuses Residences produce?
2) if we could set each Res individually, we could have some produce this, others produce that
3) Global set would be much easier ofc, but would need closer attention to change settings depending on needs


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
So to add to the confusion: this morning, FA was about 28 hours in, and our Magic Academy queues got changed again.


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Well-Known Member
So to add to the confusion: this morning, FA was about 28 hours in, and our Magic Academy queues got changed again.
On live worlds yesterday, my MA kept setting itself to produce all CCs. No matter what I selected, I could come back to it and it was all CCs. Seems to be okay now, but it sure was frustrating then.


Active Member
Oof, what a mess.
I especially giggled at the random announcement posted today, between the plethora of Bug threads, over on the Beta forum - stating that there is a new blog article on INNO's website, with the usual linguistic and grammatical errors (both in the announcement and the blog)... to read about a few vague questions answered regarding chapter 21.
They need to learn to read the room (audience). People are not happy in Beta-Land. Many are not interested in the blog post over there, at the moment.
Nice that they have a blog spot now though. Hopefully they keep it updated and engaging.
Also, telling folks to go ahead and keep playing the Adventures (in the forum, not in-game) even though they haven't found the root cause of the bug... but will update the players next week is odd. I guess that would mean whether they fix the bug or not is of no consequence to them, since it's "only Beta"....this sure happens a lot more frequently nowadays. I give up on giving feedback over there... or testing their features that are not taken seriously or handled as promptly as they used to be. I hope none of that carries over to the live servers.