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    Your Elvenar Team

Night essense


Well-Known Member
Created some but it won't allow me to do anything with it
Others have had this problem too! Inside the post pointed to by the link posted by @Lelanya is a straightforward, if slightly outdated* guide for that twisty-tricky chapter that I personally used and adjusted for when I went through that chapter. I haven't actually checked out the other resources, but I can already tell they're good if they're there on that list.

* The guide was either written before the Portal Profits spell became a thing, or were written discounting the possibility that the player might want to rush the chapter. Portal Profits help speed up your progress, but to make the most of the Portal Profits spell, your portal's has to be maxed at level 4.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Nah @Zoof, that's cheating. There is  no need to portal profit through Fairy. This chapter teaches valuable lessons in balancing elements of guest race productions. If you can't figure out Fairy, might as well not bother advancing. Park in mid chapter 4 and keep tournament cheap.
Make sunflowers, velvet and nightshade and upgrade the portal, then the Day and Night Farms.
Iirc, portal, day, portal, day, night, portal, night, day, night, is the order the upgrades should be done.
Then total up what you need for the tech tree. Then total up what you need to produce to get there, and balance the times involved, with your game access.
Simple. Easy.

Portal profits were introduced so that folks could research a tech for a quest in an event and not feel left out altogether. At some point, each and every chapter should be experienced, to embrace the spirit of the guest race, and learn the lessons needed to advance through the next set;  at least once. I tend to try them twice, in my lead city, Lel on EN1 (elven), and Boudicca Lel on EN2 (human), to gain a good perspective on each variant.


I recommend doing chapter 7 as well. Only because it really introduces players to how things get a little more in depth after dwarves. Other chapters forward I think it's worth a shot at least trying each one to see how it works but then if it takes too long or stay getting frustrated then use the PPs. That's just my personal opinion though. I feel like just PPs someone would be truely lost by the time they get to ch. 9 and 10.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Yes, agreed; many folks were giving up partway through Orcs because they couldn't find the right balance of productions, nor learn the lessons regarding space that the chapter teaches. It was at that point that Konn created the Architect, though, to help those who cannot visualize their city in their head.