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    Your Elvenar Team

Nine Hammers - Something Different

At Nine Hammers we offer all of the usual - 2 and 3 star trades (required unless you have an agreement with another player), active players, tourney participation, regular visits, etc.

What we have that's out of the ordinary is a very active chat. We like to feel that we're more than gaming partners - we're friends. Yes we chat about game play, but we also talk about music, art, movies, books, gardening, celebrate each other's birthdays, whatever topic arises. You'll get the regular comments, but you'll also get a fun conversation if you'd like to chime in. We even have a resident sorceress who might give you a wink.

If you're looking for a full gaming experience plus, give us a try. Just submit a request to TarnishedKnight, VictoriousPamela, Belixa, or GeorginaIII. We'd love to have you.
