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    Your Elvenar Team

No Workshops and Fresh Supplies


Personal Conductor
I am a caterer, but I have un-scouted provinces in ring 4, 5, 6, 7, etc specifically for those rare times when the devs decide to hand me a "fight and win" quest with zero alternative.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
I have so much T1’s from FA bracelet making, but I still have T1 factories out because we all know there are endless produce goods quests and devs decide on a whim if Sentients+ count towards these quests. Better to just have standard goods factories, even if I have no need for more of it. I don’t see how needing workshops for quests is a surprise or any different, esp if you have made it to chap 19 and know how events work.
Well, how about that? I can still forget what's what at my age! Which, apparently, is a surprise to some folks. LOL! In any case it makes what I used to know be a surprise to me again! And we all know part of the fun is discovering things, right? So one of the advantages of getting older, unless you actually think you should never forget anything, is being surprised (again!) How's that for a positive spin?
