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[NON-ID] Chat issues / SyntaxError: Invalid JSON parse input


I keep getting an error on us5.elvenar.com saying it could not make a chat connection. Sometimes when I type in text for the chat, it doesn't show up after I push enter. On reload the same issue occurs. Internet connection is fine, Google searches and pages come up OK.

I also just got an error saying "Sorry, an error has occurred! SyntaxError: Invalid JSON parse input".

Game version is 1.21.8
Flash version is
Browser is Firefox 51.0.1 (32-bit)
Time is about 10:05 EST.


US2 and US5 servers are down at the moment. They're working on it.


US4 and US0 (login page) also has issues. I cannot get to the login page.

Edit: I was having problems with both US3 and US4 over an hour ago. I thought the problem was at my end, so I reset the internet connections. Now, I cannot get to the login page.


Server was back up, but went down again apparently at ~ 1255 EST.