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    Your Elvenar Team

Notification dates incorrect

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Game version: v1.75.3-(f557c8d) (2019-03-21 10:34)
Game world: Elcysandir
Browser + version: Chrome/73.0.3683.86
Flash Player version: HTML 5 client
Operating System: Windows 10 Pro (64-bit), version 1809, build 17763.379
Screen resolution: 1920x1200
Account name: synome
Humans or Elves: Elves

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: n/a

Current situation:
Client timezone not being applied to the date component of the notification datetime. I am in the US Central timezone, which is currently GMT-5.

Expected situation:
Date listed on notifications is correct.

Reproduction Steps
1. Open notifications dialog
2. Observe dates changing when displayed times pass 19:00 (00:00 in GMT) instead of at 00:00

Screenshots of the bug:
Date not incrementing at 00:00:

Date incrementing at 19:00:


Oh Wise One
The date has never incremented at local time. The date is based on server time, which is CET (Central European Time) It's worth getting used to that, because it tells you when the daily help chests roll-over and most events end.


This is not about when help chests reset or events end. I am well aware that this game is European and that those times would be chosen in that context. However, that has nothing to do with the rendering of dates in the notification log. For it to say that my trade was accepted by londravia at 03/31/2019 21:27 when it was actually accepted at 03/30/2019 21:27 CDT (i.e. 03/31/2019 02:27 GMT) is clearly incorrect. I would expect players in CET to experience the same issue, but with log dates rolling at 02:00 instead of at 19:00 (since CET is currently GMT+2).
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