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    Your Elvenar Team

November FA live worlds guesses


Well-Known Member
Start date?

How many days: 6 1/2 or 7 1/2?

Yes, I know we won't know for sure until we get the countdown timer. But let's speculate, at least!


Well-Known Member
I expect the duration to be 6 1/2 and the start at Thursday 16th of November or 23rd of November, the latter just a bit more likely imo.


Well-Known Member
Now, I would not expect a start date the week of 11/23 because that's the US Thanksgiving holiday. Inno has always ended the November FA before the start of the holiday weekend. They also use that weekend for a lot of Black Friday - Cyber Monday sales; difficult to incorporate when they want to sell FA packages during an FA instead.

Thurs 11/16 ending Wed 11/22 seems a good guess to me but it could start Wed 11/15 or even Tues 11/14

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
The 7-day duration was intentional on Beta, as both the messed up FA and the fixed FA were that long, so don't expect a 6-day one. And FAs on Live servers always start on a Thursday, so next week is almost definite. Yes, that means it will end on Thanksgiving Day, but Elvenar is international, not just US. I guess there is a chance it will start Wednesday instead, if it is 7 days, to avoid ending on Thanksgiving.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
My guess is, 7.5 days will be the duration, that seems clear from Beta. Version G or Version H, I've checked the Spreadsheet for both and will have links in the appropriate places. Start date, anytime between November 13th and November 16th.


Oh Wise One
I put in my settlement for the fellowship adventure right before going to bed last night. My thinking was that I could start a run of toolboxes and they would finish fairly late at night on the night before the FS begins. That way there would be little chance of me harvesting them by accident. I just finished chapter 21, so I had lots of space. Put in over 60 workshops and then went to bed. Apparently I forgot to start them making toolboxes before doing so. When I logged in this morning, every one of them was idle. Epic fail! LOL


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I put in my settlement for the fellowship adventure right before going to bed last night. My thinking was that I could start a run of toolboxes and they would finish fairly late at night on the night before the FS begins. That way there would be little chance of me harvesting them by accident. I just finished chapter 21, so I had lots of space. Put in over 60 workshops and then went to bed. Apparently I forgot to start them making toolboxes before doing so. When I logged in this morning, every one of them was idle. Epic fail! LOL
Oh no! I'm so sorry. Good luck in the FA.

We are going all out this time and have all 25 members doing quite a bit, according to their ability. We have some tiny players but mostly big ones. I added 175 workshops and over 200 t1s. Want to get statues out of the way before putting some of that space in more workshops. One of our players did more than I did, and a couple did around as much. We teleported the heck out of everything, lol. I think we're in good shape for a big push this time. We got in 3rd place on our last push and I think we have more participation this time, although one of our big players did move on since the last push 6 months ago. I still think we have a good shot.


New Member
Now, I would not expect a start date the week of 11/23 because that's the US Thanksgiving holiday. Inno has always ended the November FA before the start of the holiday weekend. They also use that weekend for a lot of Black Friday - Cyber Monday sales; difficult to incorporate when they want to sell FA packages during an FA instead.

Thurs 11/16 ending Wed 11/22 seems a good guess to me but it could start Wed 11/15 or even Tues 11/14
i wont be shopping for sure any way bring it on


Oh Wise One
We are going all out this time and have all 25 members doing quite a bit, according to their ability. We have some tiny players but mostly big ones. I added 175 workshops and over 200 t1s. Want to get statues out of the way before putting some of that space in more workshops. One of our players did more than I did, and a couple did around as much. We teleported the heck out of everything, lol. I think we're in good shape for a big push this time. We got in 3rd place on our last push and I think we have more participation this time, although one of our big players did move on since the last push 6 months ago. I still think we have a good shot.
I can't imagine getting 175 workshops and 200 T1s. Even with the entire area I would normally have for guest race buildings free, I am not close to those totals. What percentage of the total space in your city is currently devoted to the fellowship adventure?


Buddy Fan Club member
Not quite the same configuration as @Darielle but take a look at my city in K world. 236 WS and 125 T1s. The WS would be 250, but I save up expired military bldgs and sell them off for more coin badges. This time, I haven't yet sold them all; have way too many supplies already due to no armories and cheap to produce those few troops.
In addition to the guest race area, I teleported all but 1 armory & all sentient factories, brought out fully leveled T1s for bracelets and a few houses for coins (I usually get pop from event bldgs). Sold off FM's (I have plenty that I've not yet placed). This group placed 2nd in Kworld the last FA. Going for that again assuming #1 will lose their collective minds again; if not, then we'll try for 1st, lol!
It's a week. With the slow moving higher chapters, one week stalled is nothing. Next week, the guest race settlement goes in and I seriously doubt I'll remember I could have maybe finished a week earlier.
In my new city in C world, (Ch6) I have 5 lvl 1 WS with all my regular buildings still out and producing as usual. I'm just happy to get a badge in, lol!


Oh Wise One
Not quite the same configuration as @Darielle but take a look at my city in K world. 236 WS and 125 T1s. The WS would be 250, but I save up expired military bldgs and sell them off for more coin badges. This time, I haven't yet sold them all; have way too many supplies already due to no armories and cheap to produce those few troops.
In addition to the guest race area, I teleported all but 1 armory & all sentient factories, brought out fully leveled T1s for bracelets and a few houses for coins (I usually get pop from event bldgs). Sold off FM's (I have plenty that I've not yet placed). This group placed 2nd in Kworld the last FA. Going for that again assuming #1 will lose their collective minds again; if not, then we'll try for 1st, lol!
It's a week. With the slow moving higher chapters, one week stalled is nothing. Next week, the guest race settlement goes in and I seriously doubt I'll remember I could have maybe finished a week earlier.
In my new city in C world, (Ch6) I have 5 lvl 1 WS with all my regular buildings still out and producing as usual. I'm just happy to get a badge in, lol!
I get all that. Thing is: I only have 1 manufactory of each level for ascended goods. And 1 manufactory of each level for sentient goods. I only have 1 standard good manufactory in my city. It is a T1 and the primary purpose is so I can cast MM on it during fellowship adventures. So obviously I'm not getting rid of it. Max level tier 1 manufactories are 4x6 in size. If I teleport my sentient good and my ascended good manufactory, that frees up a total of 48 squares of space. T2 manufactories are 5x6. Getting rid of both of them is 60 squares. T3 manufactories are 5x7 in size. So both of them would be 70 squares. If I teleport every single sentient good manufactory and ascended good manufactory I have, I only free up a total of 178 squares of space. A L1 workshop is 4 squares. It takes 2 spaces of road frontage, but since roads are double sided you divide this by 2. So 5 squares of space is needed to add 1 L1 workshop. 178/5=35.6 So iff I teleported every single sentient and ascended good manufactory I had, I'd only be able to add roughly 35 more workshops to my city.


Well-Known Member
@Henroo ,
Ive pushed with @Darielle before. She goes all out and asks others
to do the same. Its a 1 week refit... now for giggles/grins I looked at
your biggest city on Arendell. I also know Darielle has a city that can
withstand a re-do. I wasn't 100% efficient, and it took awhile, but I
got your city to 100 workshops/160 T1, it started with 67 of each.
Yes, 11 of your bldgs go away for the FA. I kept 2 of your armories.
I add'd 33 workshops and 93 T1.

So you can see which 11 I would teleport out for the FA. I think you
might understimate Darielle in what she's willing to do for 1 week.
She prolly would go further in your city than I did, thus more workshops
and T1. Just remember, she goes all out for FAs.

Edit: seems 1 workshop got away, I'll fina a way to place it.... l o l .. new link.
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Buddy Fan Club member
@Henroo: I checked, and I think the difference between us is ~~6 expansions. I still have 5 unplaced research/province expansions available to place, but I placed premium instead in order to lower spire/tourney cost. Once I get moving through Ch18, I may end up placing some of those, too, lol!


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I get all that. Thing is: I only have 1 manufactory of each level for ascended goods. And 1 manufactory of each level for sentient goods. I only have 1 standard good manufactory in my city. It is a T1 and the primary purpose is so I can cast MM on it during fellowship adventures. So obviously I'm not getting rid of it. Max level tier 1 manufactories are 4x6 in size. If I teleport my sentient good and my ascended good manufactory, that frees up a total of 48 squares of space. T2 manufactories are 5x6. Getting rid of both of them is 60 squares. T3 manufactories are 5x7 in size. So both of them would be 70 squares. If I teleport every single sentient good manufactory and ascended good manufactory I have, I only free up a total of 178 squares of space. A L1 workshop is 4 squares. It takes 2 spaces of road frontage, but since roads are double sided you divide this by 2. So 5 squares of space is needed to add 1 L1 workshop. 178/5=35.6 So iff I teleported every single sentient and ascended good manufactory I had, I'd only be able to add roughly 35 more workshops to my city.
Henroo, I completely trash my city when I'm doing a push for the FA ... that's why we do pushes no more than 2x a year and sometimes less. They take too much. I save up every teleport t/o the year to use only in the FA. I teleport ANY evolving building that does not directly help the FA. I teleport every factory except for T1s for bracelets (I add more from inventory of those). I don't plan on doing any progression in research during the FA .... forget research. I keep armories in order to get as many ghost badges as possible in spire/tourney (my score in tourney this time was 11,700, and I wasn't even in first or second place on my team ... we made 17 chests this time, our best ever.)

Anything that can be teleported that does not directly benefit the FA is teleported, unless it is tiny (2x2 or less). I have been known to sell things that I know I can craft in the MA, just to save teleports. I teleported probably 80 buildings. Luckily, I did not have a guest race out. I'm sitting at the beginning of chapter 19 but have not pressed the "open" button on the first tech, so that my bracelet costs are from chapter 18.

Brin is right ... you have no idea just how much I teleport, lol.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
I also have a trick for finding the space that I need for the 5-day military buildings, in order to squeeze out every ghost badge I can ... First, I build all of my t1s and level 1 workshops and get my city completely optimized for the FA ... every single nook and cranny is used. Every building I can teleport is gone, except the ones I need to keep enough population and culture for building the shanty town. Once it's all done, THEN I teleport 2 population buildings ... that leaves me with a negative population to where I can't build any more. But that's ok, because I've already built everything I want. Then, in the space where those pop buildings were, that's where I place my 5-day military buildings for the ghost badges. 5-days don't need pop. It just squeezes out that much more space.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Henroo, just for fun I popped into Arendyll to take a peek. If I had prepped your city for the FA, I would have teleported the elixir, scrolls, crystal, silk, and gems factories as well as the witch hut, lunar factory, chromofrost, stonehenge, gingerbread, nimble, witch summoning, triumph of tides, golem, fairy retreat, festival merchants, orc strategists, valorian valors, etc. Yeah, I'm nuts, lol, but it's really the only way to get into the top 10. We are holding steady on third place right now and I believe we'll make 2nd place this time. (Fingers crossed.)
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Oh Wise One
Henroo, just for fun I popped into Arendyll to take a peek. If I had prepped your city for the FA, I would have teleported the elixir, scrolls, crystal, silk, and gems factories as well as the witch hut, lunar factory, chromofrost, stonehenge, gingerbread, nimble, witch summoning, triumph of tides, golem, fairy retreat, festival merchants, orc strategists, valorian valors, etc. Yeah, I'm nuts, lol, but it's really the only way to get into the top 10. We are holding steady on third place right now and I believe we'll make 2nd place this time. (Fingers crossed.)
Actually: I probably should have gotten rid of the Lunar Factories by now anyhow. They only reason I put them out was to boost mana production while finishing chapter 21. Which requires an INSANE amount of mana. I got it done before the FA started, so I just used my guest race area to put in a FA slum. Since we were not going for a top 10 finish there, that seemed like enough.