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    Your Elvenar Team

Npc Orcs (and potentially others) doing 3-4x their listed damage.


Bug description: I noticed the enemy orcs are doing 3-4x their listed amounts of damage, so someone has REALLY messed up some math somewhere.

Orcs are listed as doing 9-13 damage per unit. And my barbarians have 20 health, but a single orc is killing 3 barbarians per hit. Meaning they are doing at least ""60"" damage per unit. (Unless you guys are using moon-math or something totally devoid of logic to calculate damage.)

Orcs have no listed bonus vs barbarians either, or any bonuses whatsoever for that matter, so it's not that.

Also I'm fairly sure it's not "just" orcs doing way too much damage, it seems as if most do, in fact I'm fairly sure even my barbarians are doing too much damage.

Browser and version: Firefox (latest)

Account Name: Valhalla

World: World 1

Human or Elves: Human

Reproducibility: 5/5


This is not a bug. The peculiar game mechanics at this stage do not lessen enemy damage significantly with stack reduction. That is, a damaged stack (with less than the maximum number of units) will do only slightly less damage than the full stack. For example, if you are fighting 2 stacks of 50 orcs and you weaken one of the stacks to a smaller number - say, 10 units - the damaged stack will only do slightly less damage than the healthy stack. Therefore, it is highly advisable to opt to destroy an enemy stack entirely, rather than divide your focus across two or more stacks.

The same applies to your units as well.


Well that is indeed a very bizzare mechanic, definitely something that should be explained better in the game, as it goes against the grain so to speak with every single other game like this.

Anyway, this is good to know at least, sadly it removes a lot of the combat strategy, but at least I know how to use it now.


This is not a bug. The peculiar game mechanics at this stage do not lessen enemy damage significantly with stack reduction. That is, a damaged stack (with less than the maximum number of units) will do only slightly less damage than the full stack. For example, if you are fighting 2 stacks of 50 orcs and you weaken one of the stacks to a smaller number - say, 10 units - the damaged stack will only do slightly less damage than the healthy stack. Therefore, it is highly advisable to opt to destroy an enemy stack entirely, rather than divide your focus across two or more stacks.

The same applies to your units as well.

Hmm i dont get it :p For example:
1 unit Orc have 9-13 attack and 14 HP so stack of 50 orcs should have 450-650 attack and 700 HP. I killed 40 of them and only 10 left in this stack so their stats should fall to 90-130 attack and 140 HP. Its works like that or no?


Hmm i dont get it :p For example:
1 unit Orc have 9-13 attack and 14 HP so stack of 50 orcs should have 450-650 attack and 700 HP. I killed 40 of them and only 10 left in this stack so their stats should fall to 90-130 attack and 140 HP. Its works like that or no?
At this point in the game's development the number in a unit is more like hit points itself. So killing troops out of the unit doesn't take away from the strength of the unit. Even just one survivor is dangerous to your troops.


Its not good in my opinion :/ Damage should scale in real time


I agree it would certainly make it much more realistic in terms of battling and I don't doubt we will see changes to the system as the game is developed. Elvenar is still very new and I am here because I want to see how it changes and evolves :)


Thank you Yatogami :)

I completely agree with my colleague's point. This is still very early in the game development - you need only see our game version number (Currently V0.13) We are not even at V1 yet - there is quite a bit more to look forward to, but with the help of our community and sufficient testing, we can all help shape this game into something truly awesome.