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    Your Elvenar Team

Of the Good


There has been much justified negative feedback recently, but since I am in a *gasp* happy, sun-shiny mood, I would like to point out what I do like about the game and why I still play.

Addictiveness. Sure, being compelled to continue what you have started is certainly a staple in nearly all games.

Ability to have a life outside of the online realm and retain a sense of forward progress. Not having to be glued to the screen all day is highly valuable to me.

No advertisement. I repeat, NO ANNOYING ADVERTISEMENT. *does spastic ecstatic dance*

Pretty pictures.

Simple, easy-to-use interface.

Variety and kindness of people playing. (results may vary)

Actually being able to evolve and grow without paying.

Hmm... I'm sure there are more, but that is all I can think of at the moment.


Once we hit our stride, City Builder related forums tend to be very informative and technique oriented.

We can expect to accumulate a LOT of very knowledgeable :rolleyes: players as the game develops.

I think that a quarter million players in the first three months after rekease, just on the US realms, probably already qualifies as "a lot."
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*head raises and nostrils flare as she scents the wind*

You know that inexorable sense of impending doom, as though the bright day is about to be darkened?

*lightning strikes and she jumps*