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    Your Elvenar Team

Okay, help would be welcomed.


When I submitted a ticket, I received help. Great! Good! AWESOME! But I no longer got an email link from Elvenar telling me that I should check my ticket (I already knew... No problem, unless you are new to the game). I checked and checked my email, and figured Outlook (new and improved? NO!) had botched it, but I had to go to the site to gain any information.. For me, and a fellow, why? I am registered in both, and I should receive messages in both. Is the verification bugged?


When you right click, in-game, and go to the support page, are you getting a list of all of your submitted tickets? That's what I depend on.


When you right click, in-game, and go to the support page, are you getting a list of all of your submitted tickets? That's what I depend on.
Yes, my tickets are listed. I'm just curious as to why the email notification seems to be broken.


Active Member
My guess - they're trying to fix the messenger (or message machine as I call it) and something else broke, a boolean flag (software developer speak) got dropped, or something. The perils of software ... ha!


Yes, my tickets are listed.
I'm just curious as to why
the email notification seems to be broken.