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    Your Elvenar Team



I've generally followed the GamersGems guide on Orcs, but I'm finding that I probably have way too many mushroom farms, and not enough rally points. I don't mind being tech-locked for a day or two, but with the new event coming up, I'm looking for ways to get through the last half-dozen techs and into Woodelves (for better event rewards).

Did anyone else run into this same issue, and find himself deleting farms and adding some level 1 rally points to crank up the research good production?


Oh Wise One
The tech tree structure requires more farms at the start a and more rally points at the end. If you are towards the end of the tech tree then clear some room. It is one reason for not upgrading too many farms beyond level 1. There is so much variety in approach to orcs.


For those further on, should I expect similar re-organization/priority changes in Woodelves, and beyond?

I think I got complacent with Dwarves/Fairies, where once you built the right number of guest race buildings, you didn't need to change much.


should I expect similar re-organization/priority changes in Woodelves, and beyond?
I don't recall having to do much of that in woodelves, it was kind of a nice break after orcs but in D&S I have done some weird stuff and probably shouldn't have... I built 6 arcane as soon as I unlocked them to get a production jump rather than have empty space doing nothing while I unlocked the other faculties and then sold 3 to build more of the next, ect until I got them all unlocked and balanced at 4 each with everything upgraded which seemed like a good idea until I hit the apprentice wall hard! Rushing the start just made me set in the middle until I got pissed off and sold one of each and coasted through the back with 3 of each.
So in conclusion D&S shouldn't be done like that either... slow and steady start so apprentices can build up is less stressful than rushing to get stuck with nothing to do about it... and there will be nothing to do it about so prepare for complacency.

Sir Squirrel

Artist EXTRAORDINAIRE and Buddy Fan Club member
I found I had to add a few extra of one good building near the end of all the guest races after fairies, but It was because I was short on that particular good (or apprentice) (or had more then I needed of one, so took one down and built another) in wood elves near the end I added an extra forest glade and a few more plank making factories. So it is kind of play it by ear and if you find your low on one good add another.


Oh Wise One
Orcs is the main race with a large variety in approach that all wok well. The rest seem to be more systematic. Halflings may have a bit of variety but yet to try an alternate approach to them, but that all comes down to upgrading of farms for which produce and when.