As long as you maintain the number of your cleared provinces (in a circular manner around your city) within the required province number to unlock the next chapter, your difficulty level stays on 'easy' level. Of course, the Terminator Mist walker has been a permanent fixture in almost every encounter lately which would tip the balance against you regardless of difficulty level.In what chapter would this happen?
I was referring to the "[...] even catering one encounter would bankrupt you" part.As long as you maintain the number of your cleared provinces (in a circular manner around your city) within the required province number to unlock the next chapter, your difficulty level stays on 'easy' level. Of course, the Terminator Mist walker has been a permanent fixture in almost every encounter lately which would tip the balance against you regardless of difficulty level.
I was referring to the "[...] even catering one encounter would bankrupt you" part.
Are you saying this difficulty level exists already? If so, when?
I'm still catering full-time through chapter 12 (while weekly clearing two spire floors and contributing 2K+ tourney).
Quite manageable. What did I misunderstand about your statement?
I'm not stressing about it. I'm just wondering where/when it would be so expensive to elicit the [exaggerated, I assume] statement.Catering on the world map will never be as costly as the upper levels of the Spire or being deep in the tournament. so don't stress.
I just started my third city a week ago and I experienced this early! Before I had completed the required number to exit chapter one, everything went red/very hard (even though I hadn't even met the requirement, let alone exceeded it). In chapter two, it still shows very hard, even after completing advanced scouts. My chapter six city is settled yellow now, but took a long time to get out of the red (like you said). Especially after discovering my catering needs didn't change (much, if at all) as the color/difficulty levels changed, I ignored them and just didn't scout "too" far ahead (whatever that is, opinions seem to vary about how to advise this).@Raccon That is generally true except for one short stretch. For some reason none of us can figure out, and Inno has not fixed, from around late chapter 3 to maybe the end of chapter 5, even if a player completes only the exact number of provinces needed per chapter, all world map encounters are Very Hard. It was not like that years ago, but it seems something happened in the balance of the game within the past couple of years that caused this. I started a city on the Beta server a little over a year and a half ago and say this for myself. As soon as I got past that point, everything started to move back down to being Very Easy, and has stayed Very Easy all the way into chapter 15 by not completing more than the provinces needed to unlock the next chapter.
I don't believe "overscouting" applies once you hit chapter 8. Avoiding "overscouting" to avoid hitting the "orc wall" refers to hitting that point when you require resources you are incapable of producing, thereby holding you back until you can. Once you hit chapter 8, you can make the orcs so nothing holding you back. You're freeeeee!!!! Scout all you want!@Iyapo1 I’m thinking of overscouting once hit chapter 8. Currently make my first orcs in beta the 4 day production to gather enough while I fill in the tech tree and wait to find out when there is an FA not putting anything down until then besides the portal.
I scout none stop, but I don't clear more than necessary provinces to unlock the next province.If you scout only the minimum for every chapter AND you move through chapters fast then the later chapters become problematic as far as scout times. In both chapters 13 and 14 I had the chapter finished before my scout could open up enough provinces to open the next chapter. Since I am the impatient sort, I ended up spending massive time boosts on my scout in both chapters. If I had realized this would be an issue ahead of time I would have not stopped scouting in ch 11 and 12 when I reached the minimum needed to advance.
I scout none stop, but I don't clear more than necessary provinces to unlock the next province.
If you scout AND clear all the scouted provinces at the same time resulting in clearing the equivalent of 3-4 chapters worth of provinces ahead of your own chapter, the 'hard' or 'very hard' brick wall would be inevitable.
Exactly, that's what I've been trying to explain all along. By keeping my province clearing operation within the limit number needed for unlocking the next chapter, I'm always dealing with 'very easy' and 'easy' provinces. The far away ones, i.e the 'hard' provinces would turn to easy or very easy level as I've already advanced to further chapters by thenScouting will eventually raise the difficulty color, not completing.
Very true, but my scouting speed has become slow enough that nonstop scouting only keeps the number of un clearned provinces steady and at a level to have enough for unlocking the next province + a few extras for event quests.Just remember that every province you scout makes every unscouted province a little more expensive and harder.