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    Your Elvenar Team

Overwhelming stopping point??


Is there any better way around the Plank issue? Im stick on the research tree for "advanced residences."
First it was getting those awful supplies..so for two days fighting wasting time to get those I did. Now its I dont have enough planks...ok Ill build another planks factory.... Ohh wait cant do that..not enough people...ok Ill build or upgrade residences.... Now my supplies are back down and I STILL Cant Win...FML REALLY? Still .not enough people and cant build any more residences since I dont have enough land.geesh

AM I going to have to wait two more days for things to build up?if the game is this painfully stretched out then Im about to get out too.


Elvenar is a city builder. It's all about having
  • just enough stuff
  • just when you need it


It can be painfully stretched . I tried to find your city to see if we could offer some suggestions.

Which world do you play on?


Your Arendyll city isn't that far along on the Research. Do you have another?


no I just started. Its hard to make planks. Thats why I cant get anywhere on the research tree. I also saw someone south of me called Style4u. Her city was all fairies even her avatar was fairies. Anyone know how she got her avatar changed like that? If you look close its still elves walking around.


you have to open the fairy age of the tech tree before you can use the fairy avatars :) & yes, elves will walk around the cities the entire game ;)
(((---but you can change your avatar by clicking on it & you get a pop-up, you can change your city name there too...& when certain ages & aw's open up different avatars become available to use)))
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TY so is there any easier way to make planks besides the plank factory?


Hello Aluviel. You can buy planks in the Trader, if you've already built it. You can upgrade your plank manufactory so it produces more plank. You can place another plank manufactory if you have the space. But it all takes time.

As a friendly warning, Elvenar is a very slow-moving game. It never speeds up!


Not really. You can only buy UNboosted goods from the Wholesaler, and you'll need lots of boosted goods anyway, because it's cheaper to trade for your unboosted goods.

If you're using your Troops to acquire sectors and win Tournament, rather than negotiating and catering, that will take some of the pressure off of your manufacturing.


Thank you all. I will take heed all this advice. I do like the Shake hands thing. Too Bad most my neighbors dont do it back except 2 of them. I tried looking for planks in the wholesaler. I will try to build another planks factory today.