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    Your Elvenar Team

Recruiting Panda-monium is recruiting!! :) :) :)


New Member
Hiya Elvenarians!
Panda-monium is recruting!!! Are you active daily? Love to climb the spire? Joust to your hearts content in the tourney? Trade and upgrade your city as much as possible? You might just be a Panda!❤️ Please send in an application to ThalionArcamenel of Panda-monium in Winyandor! We would love to have you as part of our team!!! ❤️❤️❤️

♫The havoc which pandas create...Go Pandas!♫
♦♦♦We are a 10 chest fellowship!!!!♦♦♦

♫We are dedicated to helping each other ♫teamwork ♫friendship ♫generosity ♫goodwill ♫positivity & ♥love♥ ♫with a lil bit of nutty on the side :) :) :)
♫We are active players that attempt to visit daily. Missing days here and there is understandable. Real life happens!
♫We are a 10 chest fellowship with each member contributing their fair share. We also know that the more we contribute above and beyond that, the better for our own cities and the fellowship as a whole! :)
♫Each member wins at least the first level of Spire each week, climbing even farther when our time and resources allow!!! Each member contributes everything they can on push weeks to achieve gold!!! :) :) :)
♫ We use the 5kp, 10kp, 15kp, 20kp, 30kp,45kp & 50kp continuous threads to upgrade our Ancient Wonders!
♫We concentrate on our boosted factories.
♫ We can post cross tier trades as long as they are 2-3 stars.
♫We celebrate each other's milestones!!! (100k, 250k, 500k, 750k, 1 mil! etc....)
♫Most importantly we have fun!! :) :) :)