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Peculiarity on upgrading residences.

  • Thread starter DeletedUser19914
  • Start date


I don't know if this is supposed to happen or not, so I am reluctant to call it a BUG per se.

However, when I upgrade a residence and it finishes up, it will not generate coins unless I click on it. After I do that, it works just fine. If I set the upgrade and then log off for the night I lose significant (at my level) income, especially recently when I have been upgrading two or three at a time.

Just wondering, because everything else seems to be working just fine.
v1.68.3-(deb49a7) (2018-11-30 09:23)
Win 10
Firefox 63.03
Shockwave Flash 31.0 r0

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
Yep, that is how all upgrades work. Until you log into the game again, it stays in "upgrade" mode, no matter how long you are gone. That is actually one way to tell if someone has gone inactive. If the same building is upgrading for days and days, then they are probably not coming back to the game.