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    Your Elvenar Team

Penalty points


Well-Known Member
@Anonglitch I used the search tool to find information on the penalty points you mentioned in a post and no information is available. Where may we read more about this?

Take this with a grain of salt, but that sounds like what occurs when you receive a "Warning" as defined by the Xenforo moderation tooling. Xenforo, because that's this forum's underlying software. You can read more about it here.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
As a former regular contributor to the EN Forum, I can assure you that points, which we earn by posting, by getting 'likes' and so forth, can be deducted in penalties for ignoring Forum 'rules', even old outdated rules that are not visible anymore. What? Unfair? Yep.
I can be found on Discord, just pm me if you want my #

Queen of Snacks

Snack Hoarder
@Anonglitch I used the search tool to find information on the penalty points you mentioned in a post and no information is available. Where may we read more about this?

Points are a rather arbitrary system used on some forums to punish members for rule violations. If you receive enough points, you can be banned from posting either temporarily or permanently. The US Forum hasn't used a points system in about 6 years, but it looks like it's returned.


Buddy Fan Club member

@Queen of Snacks (hurry incase @SoggyShorts is lurking) ;)