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Percentage increase in cost of kp?

Wizard Howl

We all know that the cost of kp in the kp bar increases over time, and that it doesn't reset, right? Some of us have been trying to persuade another FS member to spend their excess gold in the wholesaler rather than in the kp bar. They say that in order to visualize the increase and make an informed decision, they need to know by how much it increases. I'm assuming some fraction of a percentage, because you don't see the bar jump after every purchase. Does anyone know the actual amount?


Mathematician par Excellence
It goes up by a flat 500, not a percent.
You should encourage your FS members to spend excess coins buying KP, NOT wasting them on the wholesaler for terrible returns.
Your coin income as you progress through chapters increases so drastically that the tiny increase of 500 per perchase never becomes an issue. For example I have purchased 5-15 KP every day for almost 6 years now and my cost is about 3m per which is nothing compared to my mainhall capacity of over 50 million.
In a couple of chapters my mainhall will hold 200 million, and by the time I get there (buying KP every single time I log in) my cost to buy KP will be even less significant.

If you're really paranoid about the rising costs and want an emergency method of buying KP for events or something, just refrain from buying KP for T3 goods other than for events and you'll be fine.
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