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    Your Elvenar Team

Phoenix artifact trade-in


Am I the only one who never got the chance to trade in the artifacts we so laboriously worked for in the Fellowship Adventure?

Support was definitely unsupportive. Said they would "pass my feedback on to the development team."

I'm done with this game....


Well-Known Member
I was one the of the lucky ones who did get the chance but I can tell you that if the spells hadn't shown up in my MA, and shown up enough times to convert all the coldfire artifacts up for grabs, I'd be livid enough to consider being done with this game too.
It feels like a poor decision for a game like this to allow veteran players to have game changing buildings placed and evolved while newer players must rely purely on luck or diamonds-&-luck to even get a chance at the same advantage. Anyone hoping to convert the spells was already at a disadvantage by having to give up the new coldfire for this chance at a well evolved 2019 phoenix, or they were asked to settle for a level 4 and be happy with something that is half the strength of their veteran fellows'.
I know this game sticks to its must-be-challenging policy but this situation feels more like Inno regretting handing out powerful evolves in the past and doing everything they can to prevent handing out more while looking as though they are happy to do so. So, ya, I hear your frustration.
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