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Please allow coin donations while MH is upgrading


because that's when we need coins the most due to the cost of upgrading the MH. It would also greatly help players who don't have a lot of culture buildings in their city as well as their fellows and neighbors. It would also help players who are surrounded by cities whose main halls are left in upgrading limbo. If this goes against the grain because upgrading buildings aren't supposed to be allowed to receive NH, the Trader could always accept coin donations. After all, trading is about resources and money is a resource.


Hopefully nothing like the dynamic wholesaler. Although the idea was okay, the mechanics were not.


Definitely a good idea.
And I wouldn't be opposed to the trader getting some kind of upgrade, to create a possibility of a reach of 1 or 2 rings outside what you already have discovered where the wholesale price takes less of a fee for instance.


Definitely a good idea.
And I wouldn't be opposed to the trader getting some kind of upgrade, to create a possibility of a reach of 1 or 2 rings outside what you already have discovered where the wholesale price takes less of a fee for instance.

Now THAT is a great idea.


I still feel that portals should lead to a off city place to do race task especially since Chapter 8 Orcs uses so dang much space 2x that of either dwarves or fairies.

Dwaves lets say took up 8 blocks, fairies took up 12-14, Orcs looks like about 14-18 blocks.