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Pointless, non-declinable quests


Oh Wise One
What's that, you say? Scout outside my recommended zone to get 3 non-boosted relics to add to the 242 of that kind I already have because I don't care about spells? Oh, goody! Just what I was hoping for. Now do I wait a complete chapter to finish the ring I'm on and then move to that one, or push myself outside to satisfy the random whims of a quest giver so I don't have to wait a couple of months until I'm actually ready to scout that ring. Decisions, decisions.

I mean, who wouldn't want to push themselves harder to get three more useless relics?

Gath Of Baal

Well-Known Member
It does seem that some of the non declinable tasks are outdated... You would think if they updated a part of the game that has other things tied into it, that they would eventually get around to updating those things also..
Better yet they should just make every task in the game declinable. And when it comes to the story line tasks, you should only be able to decline to a certain point before you are forced to stop until you get to the next chapter..
On my main city I am half way through the orc chapter but my tasks are still from the dwarf chapter. Its been stuck on build ancient grounds, which at the time I did not have the room to build and later just forgot about doing.. Maybe they should implement a system for that that brings your storyline tasks current when you get to a new chapter