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    Your Elvenar Team

Proposal~2nd, 3rd, 4th City.


Proposal: The ability to have a second city.

1.) As players max out their 1 city, they will end of not having anything to do; so an addition of a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, etc will make players more interested in the game

2.) That way this game will have a goal that players will try to accomplish.


- Players will have the ability to have a 2nd, third, etc city.

-In order to do that, you must do the follow:
  • Main Hall lvl 15
  • Barracks lvl 10
  • At least 50K of coins
How this will work:

1.)Go to the map
2.)There will be some "spots" on the map for you to click on.
3.)The spots will be inside the territory you have already discovered.
4.) Click on the spot and a message box on there will say," Are you sure you want to have a second city at this location?"
5.) You will immediately have a 2nd city.


Other Things:

1st City~Your Barracks, manufacturing, residences, decoration
2nd City~Recreational City(Gym, RollerCoaster rides, etc)
3rd City~?
4th City~?

Summary: The ability to have a 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc cities so that the game would be more enjoyable.


I do like the idea of a 2nd city. Perhaps as part of a quest line with the option to choose a different race for that city.


Perhaps there could be a World 2 which would be a seaside area or island, or a secluded cove, where players could buy a "holiday home town" with diamonds, and set up a small lido for their citizens to go for their elven vacations. If it was a premium feature involving a lot of use of diamonds, and not supporting "neighbourly help" visits from other players, it might be a viable proposition for the Innogames team, because it would involve money being spent, and "push" accounts would not be able to top up the quests. It could have a Trader which just traded with other owners of the "holiday towns".

The elves could use their flying boats to get to their holiday destinations. You could have an animation where your flying boat takes you across the map to your holiday beach area. Or perhaps I'm getting a bit carried away... anyway just an idea.