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Pros and Cons for ever increasing map size


After reading everything I could find on dwarves, trying to get through the chapter as quickly and efficiently as possible, and still slogging through bored out of my mind waiting on granite at the end, I have slowed wayyyy down and I'm much happier. I haven't really stopped, just decided to meander through fairies. Going into Orcs sometime in late winter would be just fine with me (**hate** the look of the buildings there!) I'm no longer trying to upgrade every building I have to max level, just doing what I need for quests and then upgrade others to keep population and inventory of goods and supplies up. Obviously, I'm a long way from needing to care when the next chapter is released, but I do really like this game. I can see me still playing it a year from now, 2 years from now...etc. So, racing through to the end holds no sway over me. All that would do is get me to the end of a game I don't really want to end, lol!
OMG! Theres and end? lol Noooo


Then end always moves so you never quite get there, but for us that have been here 18 months or so we are patiently waiting (Big Lie) for chapter 12..But Inno has not yet introduced it and I am geting bored out of my mind... Feeding AW's 24/7.

And I will say this they have made it much easier to play than when I started. I play Beta to, so I know I am just heading into Orcs on Beta.