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Provinces Troops should stay dead after killing them


So when you fight a encounter in a province and lose ,, the troops you killed should stay dead
( at least 24 hours) that way you can bring in more troops again to beat it, so if they start with 5 troops of 60 melee units and you kill 54 in each and lose the battle , then you should only have to fight 6 in each troops size next time. This would make it a lot more fun and not have to have a lot of waiting time to build several hundred more troops, just to lose them all again, that way its not just a a click click click game .


If not this, maybe allow multiple rounds of a battle (with troop replenishment). That way the server wouldn't have to store the results of previous battles (which might be onerous to code and to store), but people could still have an opportunity to defeat enemies that are currently difficult or impossible to defeat. This would also allow one to introduce interesting strategies like sending in a first round of tier 1 infantry and archers to get killed and do some damage, then sending other more expensive troops to finish them off.


I like this. If the devs think it's too generous, though (which I would not be surprised to hear), to make all the killed NPC troops stay dead while we call reinforcements, then let the NPC's call reinforcements, too (say, a percentage of whatever was killed). That way it's not simply a steamrolling war of attrition via superiority through numbers.