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    Your Elvenar Team



Well-Known Member
Does just knowing "pvp" is in a game you play trigger you?

For some people, it might. And if someone joined a game that is PvE, why should they have to deal with PvP?

you can always not participate in pvp you know... right?

Not all PvP games do allow you to forego the PvP element. You have no choice but to be plundered.

If somebody does not enjoy PvE only, there are far more PvP options out there than there are PvE.
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Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
Does just knowing "pvp" is in a game you play trigger you?

Knowing that a game is PvP does not trigger me. But i chose this game specifically because it isn’t PvP. Since the non-PvP or PvE style of Elvenar is clear up front, I see no reason not to say I’m glad for the way that it is. But I could have been clearer that it is a suggestion that anyone who wants PvP action try a different game rather than asking for a fundamental shift in the design of Elvenar. I do not believe that I’m the only player that remains committed to this game because one of the game aspects they enjoy is the non-PvP/PvE.


Active Member
Oh, I remember playing tribal wars when the game was new.... I enjoyed having my town but gosh, when I logged on and saw that my town was trashed, it sucked!!
Then the tribe aspect was cut throat! It was a bit intense for me, I guess I am a lover not a fighter. It was not my cup of tea so after a few months I quit and never looked back.

When I found Elvenar I made sure it was not PvP, was so glad it wasn't. I was only going to play for a little but here I am a year and five months later.

What has made it even more enjoyable are the members of my fellowship. It was the second fellowship I joined and I am so glad! The fellowship is what makes the game more fun for me. Getting to chat with my fellows, playing the FA, having the tourney and spiral push weeks with the understanding that we are not pushing one another to be cut throat and so competitive that the game causes us to stress and therefore leave the fellowship or the game.

I know is hard for some to understand that a lot of people who play this game is to see how far they can get into building a town from scratch. That's what I wanted and I like my town, I like my neighbors, I don't want my town to be trash and I want to get along with my neighbors.



Active Member
Ummm... Jesikrey... you know how many fellowships in this game are not "cut throat and so competitive that the game causes you stress?".... my guess is like 95%.

An inno team member, way back when this thread was created, assumed they were going to add pvp.

Did any of you know this when you signed on?

Did you ask the devs and the devs said "this is a pve only game and will stay that way" ?

I doubt it.

My point in bringing the initial thoughts on pvp way back when, and reading the few comments tonight... is that IF you don't want to be so competitive, you can always NOT be so competitive.

You don't HAVE to participate in an added pvp. There are lots of ways to make pvp optional.

My thing is what if they add a reward system to pvp... will people complain and say "you're basically forcing us to participate or be left behind in loot" ?

If so... what about FA's leaderboard and that loot only the best get? No complaints that I'm hearing. That is most definitely a form of PvP.

Seems pvp (a serious version of it not a tiny incidental version of it like in FA) could be done in a way it's only elective, and with a reward system, that like with FA leaderboard prizes, no one really should complain.

Though, judging from this forum the last few days, most certainly many would complain.

Reminds me of Guild Wars 2... "you need mounts" crowd... vs "if they ever introduce mounts i'll quit" crowd. Well they finally added mounts and guess what... life went on.

All PvP would do in this game, is add fun for many, and make certain people feel bad who barely do anything in a week because they'll be causing their fellowship to take a beating.

Sounds good to me.... sign me up !!!

Deleted User - 849192770

i would like a fellowship vs fellowship fight once a year were you go build a military town with a barracks and stuff train troops and fight other guilds troops, this would have no effect on your city it would remain exactly the same no looting of goods or burning of buildings just a fellowship war.

Deleted User - 1178646

i would like a fellowship vs fellowship fight once a year were you go build a military town with a barracks and stuff train troops and fight other guilds troops, this would have no effect on your city it would remain exactly the same no looting of goods or burning of buildings just a fellowship war.
Go play FoE,

The early elvenar team was kinda strange in there response to the question of PvP.
Elvenar was designed to fill in the role of the no PvP no Drama game that inno-games did not have in there portfolio.

for any form of PvP they have there other games.

Deleted User - 849192770

Go play FoE,
i really don't like the graphics though but there are some cool mechanics: different types of terrain while fighting the give defense buffs and cost extra movement and when you set a production it takes you to the next one of that type.


Well-Known Member
fund your happy place.
I dont know if this is a typo or hilarious commentary! lol
All PvP would do in this game, is add fun for many, and make certain people feel bad who barely do anything in a week because they'll be causing their fellowship to take a beating.
If you want to join a competitive FS, do so. Most of them spell out requirements in the overview and will boot anyone who does not meet those requirements. It is not about making people feel bad, it is about finding a FS that suits you.

Deleted User - 849192770

There are thousands of games that are all about PvP. This one is not. If you don't like it, please move along and find your happy place.
sadly none that i have found are as fun and bueatiful as elvenar this is my happy place but i would like better fighting mechanics and i understand that people do not want pvp and i get that but cooler fighting areas with terrain types i think would make the game better. I understand that PvP will probably never be added to this game and that's fine.


Well-Known Member
I'm one of those enjoying Elvenar because it is not PvP.
There are plenty of PvP games out there. Not many PvE (or whatever this is categorized to be) and this is a good one.
Wonderful refuge for those simply wanting a fantasy city builder game (which is what this is).