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Q about Magic Academy


New Member

I am in Ch 2 and I recently got the Magic Academy! I recently found out how to Disenchant and get more scrolls.

Q1: What is a good strategy for using the Magic Academy in the beginning?

Q2: How do I activate the 45min Booster Instant? It says it can't be used from the inventory... but I don't see any options when I click on my workshops or anything.



Chef - loquacious Old Dog
If you go to most building that are doing something -- producing goods, being upgraded, etc.... you can click on the progress tab. At the right of the bar showing the current progress you will see a button with the time instants icon on it (an hour-glass). If you click on that it brings up all your time instants and you can select the one or ones you wish to apply to that progress bar. It only works on one building at time so generally speaking you don't want to try to move along those 6 manufacturing buildings you have that are 30 minutes from being done. That sort of use is usually not worth the cost. But to speed up a build, upgrade, or production of other things that are done in a single building (troops, spell creation, etc) they are quite useful.

As for how to use it as a beginning player, I"m not sure as it's been so long. I'll let somebody else field that question.



Oh Wise One
@Selamta If you have not already done so, go ahead and upgrade the MA to level 2. That is as high as you can upgrade it without spending diamonds. Generally speaking, you want the production tab of the MA to be constantly producing Combining Catalysts. You can win the other stuff like Power of Provision and Magical Manufacturing in the tournament. But you will always need CCs. As far as what you craft, that will depend on play style. My #1 priority is Pet Food. However if you are new to the game and do not yet have any buildings that require Pet Food to use then this will not be a priority for you. I do recommend making a few Grounds of the Orc Strategist and Vallarian Valor buildings and placing them in your city. Each building will produce free troops and will give you culture. As you advance in the game, make a new one every few chapters. Then replace the old one. Generally I don't let my GoOS or VV buildings get more than 2 chapters behind where I am at.

If you are in the very early game stages, then crafting relics of your boosted types to increase boost levels can be good. Getting to max boost as soon as possible is important. But this becomes less important after you have done a few tournament cycles and have accumulated a lot of relics.

One last thing to keep in mind: once you reach chapter 3 then the Spire of Eternity opens. Once you can access the Spire then you will be able to win lots of spell fragments. Which will help you keep your MA humming at a healthy level. You will also win lots of time booster spells in the Spire, which will reduce the need to craft them in the MA.


Well-Known Member
@Selamta my two cents,

You can not see the spire until chapter 3. So at the moment you are limited in your CC and Spell fragment inventory. How you spend it is up to you, but I recommend crafting little culture buildings, and the relics you need to make CCs in addition to your boosted relics. The best culture building the MA will give you is the Lava Codex it is a 2x2 that will provide more culture per square than anything you can build or buy. I would not recommend VV or orc strategist until you hit the spire and have crafting goods to spare.

Once you have CCs and frags to spare, start crafting set buildings(chess set), and pet buildings(Bears and Phoenix's), and the may tree. They are super expensive to craft but you can only have one. Once you craft them and have them in inventory they will stop taking up space and you will have a better chance at getting buildings you want.


Always keep your MA producing something. Once you have a fair amount of combining catalysts, like maybe 8, make ensourciled enchantments or power of provision enchantments. These you can transform into spell fragments which you can save until you have enough to create something you need.


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
Hi again Selamta :)
The Magic Academy burns up relics! So I suggest that you exercise caution when producing spells, not the least because the Combine Catalyst spell uses 3. I personally try to solve provinces with an eye to having the same amount of each type, for one thing. Tournament can help increase relics, but if you run that MA a lot you will find you are constantly out of some relics.
I craft troop producing buildings when they come up, and save the starting resources for them because who doesn't like free Orc Strategists in the early chapters? The other one is a Valorian Valor.
I think that you are correct, it has a limited use in the early chapters; I had mine disconnected in my elven city for months and not even placed in my human city until late chapter 4. Lol folks used to write and ask me, why don't you have a Magic Academy? Because it's a giant boat anchor! But I placed one to finish the Wonky Walter questline finally, so it is best to place it when you can. (Psst! We didn't have the crafting feature when I started playing). I have Suggested that the MA come up later in the game but the game developer Timon loves it and is convinced that it has a use for all players.


Well-Known Member

The Magic Academy burns up relics! So I suggest that you exercise caution when producing spells, not the least because the Combine Catalyst spell uses 3.

This is true. It can be offset by hitting the tournaments as hard as possible and getting into a solid 8+ chest fellowship that regularly achieves silver spire. I am right at the tipping point in my chapter 5 city. A few more tournament rounds each week and I will no longer run out of CCs. I craft something every cycle. Often more than one thing per cycle. My goal is to open the Mystical Object as often as I possibly can. My entire game centers around the Magic Academy.