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Quest: Dragon Magic V - The Sacrifice


The quest asks me to lose 33 Priests and 11 Paladins. When I click the "i" it also says I must lose the battle. So I send in one unit of 32 Paladin II's and one of 48 Priests II's (because that is what I have, and I just got this quest recently). I let both units die, and lost the fight. And the quest counted none of it.

I assume because they aren't the lower version of the troops? There's nothing I can do about that, and I can't discard this quest.


Hi Dax -

This is indeed a known issue.

Can you please submit a support ticket, so that we can investigate the issue and correct it for you. :)


In-game you can right click and select Support. The Game Moderators will then have the opportunity to look into your particular circumstance.