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Quest for something TWO chapters ahead of where I am??


Active Member
Why am I seeing a quest for something that is weeks away in my future? I'm being asked to have an armory at at least level 9, which unlocks in chapter IV; I'm still in Chapter II for a few more days, and there is a lot going on in Chapter III in between.
If I cancel it, am I likely to get more reasonably doable-in-the-next-month quests?

I may be slightly (for a large value of slightly) over-scouted, does this impact my quest levels?

Any and all advice very welcome


Well-Known Member
Cancel to your hearts content! The cancel button is your friend! Just make sure you check the rewards first, sometimes there is good stuff in there!

I cater so I cancel all the Military quests and cant give any specifics as to when quests should appear. I do know that you should not be seeing a chapter 4 quest in chapter 2.


Well-Known Member
Getting quests a couple chapters ahead usually means that you have "over-quested". Yes, you can certainly delete the quest, but you're probably going to start seeing more quests that aren't doable at your current chapter. Eventually (probably sooner rather than later) you'll hit a quest you can't cancel, and you'll be locked out until you can complete it. It happens & isn't a catastrophe. It just means you won't have story quests to work on for a while.

Like @Iyapo1 said, cancelling quests gets more common as you go on. Some story quests simply don't fit your personal game style. I don't pay much attention to story quests anymore in general, tbh. (Ch 7, slow growth player)


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Also, you can just as well ignore them. Quests are helpful early game, but I eventually just play the game at my own pace and ignore all the bossy people popping up on the left. Later on, the task to reward ratio becomes not worth my time (like this one) because I am producing coins, tools, and whatever else they give you far quicker than the pitiful handout the quests gives.


Well-Known Member
Just rolling into Chapter III this morning! I should be able to peep at the Spire in a few days...

Spire = awesomeness. The first handful of weeks, just getting through the Gateway rooms can be a challenge. So-o-o-o worth it, though. The "ordinary" Spire prizes give you more flexibility, the "premium" prizes can be a real boost, and the crafting supplies mean you can really start taking advantage of the Magic Academy.