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    Your Elvenar Team

Question regarding the final stage of the FA


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
If this has been addressed before my apologies. Can we send a request to put something other then the pit at the end of the final stage of the FA. There needs to be a way that people can dump everything they've worked hard to make. OR...They can make it to where it's saved for the next FA .....


I love the pit as it is so much fun and exciting. I do think it would be nice to get points for extra badges earned though or an extra prize depending on how many and if which badge. I think there is currently another thread somewhere suggesting something similar right now. :)


Oh Wise One
@Talaedraiia FAs are still a lot of work for the rewards they offer. But it is *MUCH* better with the new badge collection system. Being able to play my city in a normal fashion and do my tournament in a normal manner is so much better than the old system where you constantly had to stop as soon as a badge was finished. The old way of making badges was so disruptive and I really hated it.


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
Ok can we get back to the topic please
@helya Can we vote on this topic so it can be sent to the devs ? There’s gotta be a way people can get rid of everything they’ve worked hard to make. The pit is ok but there needs to be more to it… like a free for all the last hour…or something


Oh Wise One
Ok can we get back to the topic please
@helya Can we vote on this topic so it can be sent to the devs ? There’s gotta be a way people can get rid of everything they’ve worked hard to make. The pit is ok but there needs to be more to it… like a free for all the last hour…or something

you need to come up with a specific request and word it carefully. We cannot just as for something different. We need to present them with an idea. A vague suggestion will get tossed in file 13 without consideration.


Beloved Ex-Team Member
@muffy. suggestions that are forwarded have a better chance of moving on if they're very specific, for instance, "Add another stage to the FA like the Spire where Fellowships battle against each other by seeing who can pile up the most Elvarian Guard badges" is better than "do something about the pit"

The Fairy

Scroll-Keeper, Buddy Fan Club Member
"Add another stage to the FA like the Spire where Fellowships battle against each other by seeing who can pile up the most Elvarian Guard badges"
You have my vote on that @helya :p


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, Buddy's #1 Fan
Being able to play my city in a normal fashion and do my tournament in a normal manner is so much better than the old system where you constantly had to stop as soon as a badge was finished. The old way of making badges was so disruptive and I really hated it.
Events are more annoyingly disruptive to tourneys! I'll stop to do 15 other event quests and suddenly I have a random time gap between encounters for the rest of the week. Might have to speed run chap 14 after FA to get me a Timewarp!
Ok can we get back to the topic please
@helya Can we vote on this topic so it can be sent to the devs ? There’s gotta be a way people can get rid of everything they’ve worked hard to make. The pit is ok but there needs to be more to it… like a free for all the last hour…or something
I don't think the CM of Tonga care for how hard we've worked for our badges! One does not just face the Tonga Boss with a wishy washy proposal. Tonga is harder to cater to than Froskol, the last Spire boss.
That's a battle I don't want to get into with @crackie's AM and his zoo of Brown Bears. :eek:
Can't say we weren't curious ourselves! We found out last FA though...he made over 800 Guards...in one day.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes. The Elvarian Guard Badge. Another especially egregious example of awards that embody the philosophy of epoxy entombment to exchange its "trinket" status with a Real Man™ Ⓔscutcheon®. Just Add Handles™!


Alternatively, maybe a team battle event where first Fellowship to coordinate well enough to shove 1,000 badges into the "Pit" within a single minute, thereby clogging the pit and requiring a Storm and Plunger Phoenix plumber to fix wins prizes and rankings. Or maybe the winner goes to the fellowship who racked up the highest plumber's bill? Either way, that massive lake swirly can't possibly be good for the environment, so Fellowships really ought to take responsibility for their actions and plug up that drain. Or you'll make all the fish go away and the lake dragon sad. And hungry.


Chef - Scroll-Keeper - Chandelier Swinger - EAA
@muffy. suggestions that are forwarded have a better chance of moving on if they're very specific, for instance, "Add another stage to the FA like the Spire where Fellowships battle against each other by seeing who can pile up the most Elvarian Guard badges" is better than "do something about the pit"
...ok I get it lol ....here all this time I thought you deciphered everyones madness....


Well-Known Member

The Pit most definitely would be improved by the addition of adult beverages and...free rope*.

* Free rope not used on one another per compliance with FREE ROPE EULA
lol that drink.

The last (and only) time I had that particular beverage was mixed with some Red Bull.

Given how Fellowship Adventures in the Pit goes in some Fellowships, any combination of which might be required to get through the final hour with your sanity intact