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    Your Elvenar Team

Hello Ramseyneena


Oh Wise One
How do you get those special name badges? Is a Archmage/Mage feature or a profile thing
Do you mean the avatar pictures or do you mean the titles under your name? To get an avatar pic, go to the artist's corner forum and get in contact with @Sir Squirrel . He designs them and is responsible for my pic as well as many of the other forum regulars. OTOH, if you are referring to the title under your name that says "new member", that will change as you make more posts. Once upon a time, this was fairly basic and went from new member, to member, and then well-known member. But over time, the forum manager added some additional titles...


Do you mean the avatar pictures or do you mean the titles under your name? To get an avatar pic, go to the artist's corner forum and get in contact with @Sir Squirrel . He designs them and is responsible for my pic as well as many of the other forum regulars. OTOH, if you are referring to the title under your name that says "new member", that will change as you make more posts. Once upon a time, this was fairly basic and went from new member, to member, and then well-known member. But over time, the forum manager added some additional titles...
Yeah, I was talking about the avatar pic. Okay thanks Henroo