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    Your Elvenar Team

Ranking Points Discrepancy

There is a significant ranking points discrepancy in Elvenar and it is causing most of the top cities to look exactly the same. Here are some ranking points awarded for common buildings(Note that I have finished Chapter 21, so these are the max levels):

Armory(Level 43): 74K points
T3 Manu(Level 35): 58.1K points
T2 Manu(Level 35) 51.5K points
T1 Manu(Level 35): 40.4K points
Magic Workshop: 53K points
Magic Residence: 17.2K points
Ancient Wonders(Level 35): 21.1K - 35K points

Even though Armories are no more important than manus and AWs, they give you a lot more points and always seems to be several levels ahead of the rest of the buildings. It takes ages and a lot of work to max out an ancient wonder...and for some reason that's only worth 21.1K - 35K points? While building and upgrading an armory, which is fairly simple, gives you between 2 and 3 times the amount of ranking points. As a result, many players have been tearing down their ancient wonders and replacing them with armories. I don't blame them - it actually helps them in 2 ways: it makes the tournaments easier and it gives them more ranking points.

So my question to Inno is why? You are basically discouraging us from building AWs and forcing competitive cities to clone each other. In my opinion, ancient wonders should be worth the most amount of points because they take the most work and time to upgrade. Especially because they also make tournaments harder, which causes many players to play less provinces and get less rewards.

I know that not everyone cares about ranking points, but for the players that do, there is only one way to get to the top of the leaderboard: armories. It doesn't matter how much time you spent on AWs, exploring provinces or getting ranking points from tournaments. It is discouraging and doesn't really make you want to excel in various areas of the game. I have been playing this game for over 6 years and I am starting to feel like it's not worth my time anymore.

Does anyone else feel the same?


Tetris Master
To demonstrate, below is the ElvenArchitect layout of the highest ranked player in the top ranked fellowship on all services. The player has 7,762,697 points with 69 armories.
For another example, here is a breakdown of my ranking points. I'm pretty sure I have the highest points on Ceravyn in World Map Progress, Ancient Wonders, Ancient Wonder Ranking Effect and Tournaments. However, despite that, I am number 10 in the ranking and still falling. All the cities above me have 20+ armories with some in the 50s and 60s.


For many years I have gone crazy with the touraments, depleting my resources and troops, trying to build my Ancient Wonders like a madman and exploring provinces as fast as possible(I have a level 35 Scouts Tavern). All of this, only to be passed by players who decided to build a bunch of armories. :(
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Silver Lady

Well-Known Member
I don’t know my ranking on any of the worlds I play nor do I care, but I do get that it matters to some. IMHO the ranking points given should be more evenly spread between things that help fighting and things that help catering.


I was aware this was a thing, but now even more aware, and yes, I think this is very messed up to be honest. I highly suggest (if you are not anti-discord) to copy and paste this into the Elvenar discord server under the suggestions/ideas section. As due to that unfortunately is more active with many more people to like and reply on your post and agree with you on there, all of those comments and likes will have this stand out big time! And some of the devs view this and employees and also the CMs will notice and when it is a big one like I know it will be, they also put in word of mouth about it to the devs or tell them to look at it quicker.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
With a high level Pyramid all they would need is a decent Supply source, they would make a shed load of orcs and sentient goods while waiting for the next chapter.
This is me. I'm waiting for ch 22. My PoP is level 30 which gives 2 sentient (S) goods for each orc collected. With 24 Armories, I get a bit over 210k orcs a day and 420k S goods. So, I don't have any S manus in my city. I have 3 spelled magic workshops. With my Prosperity Tower at level 35, a 3h collection for each workshop is 1.21m and every day I have to go to the wholesaler to buy goods. The armories give me 1.776m ranking points and I have over 16m orcs.

That being said, I do agree the armories do give more ranking points than they should. Maybe make them the same as the T2 manus (Some people have a lot of manus in their city for catering, so they need to balance with them.) I agree that AWs should give more ranking points, maybe even 76K. Unlike Armories, you can only have 1 of each, so you can't go overboard and have 69 of them. There are currently 40 of them. The ranking points should be based on the upgrade cost in KP since, until the later ones, the footprint of the AW was what determined how many KP were needed for an upgrade. Thus, the GA (3x3) would give the fewest ranking points and the Vallorian Seal Tower (5x6), the most.