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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent Event Gold League Rewards???

I was in the Gold League for the last event, and I believe that one of the "prizes" was a building of our choice from the Forbidden Ruins Set. I know I haven't gotten that option, and I don't remember getting the benefits either. Am I the only one? I remember those prizes coming as soon as the event was over in the past. Do I need to put in an inquiry/request thing?


I was in the Gold League for the last event, and I believe that one of the "prizes" was a building of our choice from the Forbidden Ruins Set. I know I haven't gotten that option, and I don't remember getting the benefits either. Am I the only one? I remember those prizes coming as soon as the event was over in the past. Do I need to put in an inquiry/request thing?
I would send in a support ticket.

Lady Dastardly

Well-Known Member
I was in the Gold League for the last event, and I believe that one of the "prizes" was a building of our choice from the Forbidden Ruins Set.
Gold League prizes from the last event did not include a choice of Forbidden Ruins set buildings. Gold League received 50 KP, 10 Royal Restorations, 1 Ferris Wheel, 2 Glory of the Nimble artifacts, and a portrait. None the events since the Forbidden Ruins event itself have included any of those buildings either, just artifacts for that event's evolving building. Gold League during the Forbidden Ruins event did give 2 pieces of the set (Magic Dragon Tamer & Forbidden Ruins) and 2 Tomes that gave a choice of a Pilgrim's Manor building. The current FA does have a Tome with a choice of 1 of the Forbidden Ruins buildings as a Stage 3 prize, so that may be where your confusion is coming from.