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    Your Elvenar Team

Recent move


Ok.. I complained about the recent shift in the worlds. I got a really got reply from Support telling me that the moves they made were for my own good to put me where I have "more active trading partners" etc. But in doing so lost 2 of my friends that we in my world that I had alot of interaction and we were friends. So far the new people in my world aren't that active even when I go visit them. Being almost 80 I guess I kinda dislike someone telling me they are doing what is best for me. Just sayin..One of my friends flat left the game and thinking Iwill too. Spend too much time on computer playing when I need to be more active. God Bless all


Well-Known Member
I would be sad to see such a long time player leave the game without giving the move some time.
We don't like change but sometimes it is for the better in the long run. Making new friends is good!
Being active is important but why not limit your time on computer instead?
Good luck in what ever you choose to do.


I would be sad to see such a long time player leave the game without giving the move some time.
We don't like change but sometimes it is for the better in the long run. Making new friends is good!
Being active is important but why not limit your time on computer instead?
Good luck in what ever you choose to do.
Thank you..same thing my son said so reconsidering. You are right..it is I who control the time on the computer so it is up to me to do something.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
Carolyn, I hope you remain and get to know your new neighbors. Some of them, no doubt, are gems and will become valued friends.

I've just been moved for the first time in more than 2 years. While I miss a couple of my really good neighbors, I found another one has moved with me, and I also found two of my fellowship members now in my new neighborhood. It's like seeing an old friendly face. I have only been moved today and I visited half my neighbors so far (took me close to an hour to do that). Some have already gifted back. I think I'm going to like it here. It's an ADVENTURE! While I'm old enough to be set in my ways, I'm still part kid and I still occasionally sing, Take me ridin in the car car .... it feels like that now! I'm a kid again! :)


Active Member
i too have been moved, 3 times now
first time was not long after i started playing Elvenar, they said it was for my own good, maybe it was
the second time i was not happy, as i liked where i was and had recruited players around me into my clan, they said it was for my own good
i just got moved today and am pissed right off angry that i got moved, they said it was for my own good
i think not for my own good


Oh Wise One
i too have been moved, 3 times now
first time was not long after i started playing Elvenar, they said it was for my own good, maybe it was
the second time i was not happy, as i liked where i was and had recruited players around me into my clan, they said it was for my own good
i just got moved today and am pissed right off angry that i got moved, they said it was for my own good
i think not for my own good

There is nothing I hate worse than to be told something is for my own good. I wish they would find another way to answer that issue.
That said, I will tell you that there was a bug in the game where anyone above chapter 4 was not moved when they were supposed to be. That is part of their programming that is supposed to keep active cities near each other in the middle of the world map. That is the purpose of moving. It will happen periodically whether you like it or not. It's designed to allow more neighborhood help, better and more trading options from active players, etc. Inactive cities will be moved out to the outer edges of the map so as not to hinder active players from making the most of the game. I'm sorry you are angry, but you can still keep in touch with friends you have made that have been moved away by messaging them. Now, I am going to quote another old saying...The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. It's a bitter pill to swallow sometimes, but there are times when we have to pull up our britches and carry on.


Active Member
I've never had a move since I started the game like 5 years ago. Not a happy camper, it was good where I was. :(


Scroll-Keeper, Keys to the Gems
I've never had a move since I started the game like 5 years ago. Not a happy camper, it was good where I was. :(
For players like you and I, lived in a 'move in' area and were separated from the other cities who spawned next door to us, only to find cities with:
1 - nothing but a Main Hall, , Builders Hut, Barracks, and Magic Academy
2- a city with the name 'Not playing'
3 - a city with the name 'oops, wanted Beta, delete pls'

This is an outrage!!