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Recipes for 10 and 20 Royal Restoration missing?


New Member
Game version: v1.147.3-(9aeee24) - html5 (2022-02-17 08:32)
Game world: US Ceravyn
Browser + version: Firefox 97.0.1
Operating System: Windows 10
Screen resolution: 3440 x 1440
Account name: Kestenn
Humans or Elves: Humans

Reproducibility: 5/5

Quest title: N/A

Current situation:
Every time a recipe for crafting Royal Restoration comes up, it's the one for 30 RR from 3 blueprints. I realize that the recipes are at random, but I have seen about 12-14 of the 30 RR in the past 2-3 weeks, and none of the 10 or 20 RR. This included a run of five 30 RR recipes while spending 25 Sips of Clarity in a row trying to get the 10 or 20 RR recipe to come up. Is it possible that the 10 and 20 RR recipes got dropped from the list of available ones?

Expected situation:
Mix of 10/20/30 RR recipes appearing.


Beloved Ex-Team Member
The Crafting Recipes are random. It is possible you will not see the ones that you want for quite a while depending on luck and how often you have something crafting in the RR slot when the recipes reset.


New Member

Thanks for the quick response. This is certainly the easy answer, but I'm not yet convinced that it is the correct one. Assuming that there is equal chance of getting the 10, 20, or 30 RR recipe, then the chance of getting 10 in a row of the 30 RR is (1/3)^10 = 0.0017%. Possible, yes. Likely, definitely not.

I know I've gotten more than 10 in a row of the 30 RR. I got another one this morning. Starting with this morning's, I am documenting them with screenshots and timestamps. If I get 10 in a row again, I'll post again. Meanwhile, if any other players are reading this thread, please keep an eye out. If you get a 10 or 20 RR recipe, please post, and I'll know that my uninterrupted run of 30 RR recipes has just been incredible luck.



Flippers just flip
I have a recipe for 20 RR in my MA right now. Don't assume there is an equal chance for recipes to come up. They could be weighted differently, like the mystical object prize percentages.