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Forum Reinstate In-game link to the forum


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
While I do think the idea should be done as I do think this is a forum and Discord more of a social media platform, there are three things making it hard to believe Inno would do as requested. First, they want everyone on Discord. No distractions. Second, they've already announced they will take this forum down, third, though perhaps minor, it would cost them something to put the button back. So, if those at Inno who are more sensitive to user desires are in charge, the button will return until the forum is actually taken down. My thinking though, is that the "long term cost/benefit" employees...who tend to be at the top... are in charge, we won't see anything change until the day we click on our EF (what I labeled my shortcut in my shortcut bar) and get "page not found." Sigh.

Now what would contribute to keeping this forum up is player use and contacts. We have to use it and we have to let Inno know not only do we desire it to be here but that we use it. If every forum member just stopped using Discord and returned exclusively to this platform it would probably stay. And if everybody concerned with having this forum were to contact support asking for it...not as much impact as actually using this forum, but at least some impact, certainly. And every bit counts.


I came close to that today. I clicked on my bookmark and got "It looks like you haven't registered. Please register for an account." I haven't gotten that in 3 years ... I just go straight to the forum. Not today. I had to re-log in. Did they make it harder on purpose? Or was it a fluke? I don't know.


Chef, Scroll-Keeper, and Buddy Fan Club Member
@ajqtrz Also, Inno might actually be deciding to keep just 1 of the English language forums (was after the first getting rid of announcement). That's why we need to try to get people just a tiny bit back to their normal selves on here and not only just very few people with most all negative stuff being said. We need to try to get back to normal like before the announcement. Otherwise, we stand no chance as getting picked as the 1 to get to stay and EN will definitely beat us. Right now from what I hear they are viewing this as a contest basically and are staying more active and positive than this one is. It is worth at least a try to at least have a chance to save our forum. We really need to try to talk our friends into getting back on here and commenting about things they normally would. And in the meantime all they need to do is bookmark this site as a favorite in their web browser and will be super easy to get to.
That's so true. But it's hard to get people to go back to normal when they feel something so negatively. It's important that we all try; thank you for reminding me of that.

Enevhar Aldarion

Oh Wise One
I came close to that today. I clicked on my bookmark and got "It looks like you haven't registered. Please register for an account." I haven't gotten that in 3 years ... I just go straight to the forum. Not today. I had to re-log in. Did they make it harder on purpose? Or was it a fluke? I don't know.

No, this happens maybe once a year for me. Either something is resetting things on their end or somehow we are doing something in our browsers to reset something, making a new log-in necessary.


Oh Wise One
Would it make any difference for us to set up a poll? In the past, if there were enough votes cast in favor/against something, they would forward the info to developers for consideration.
I'd be fine with that. I've honestly never been that active in the suggestions forum. How would I go about setting up a poll?

SuNaya Dark

Active Member
I do NOT like Discord. At all. I much prefer this Forum to Discord.
If they get rid of this Forum, I will be lost. I cannot navigate Discord and cannot find what I need there.


New Member
I didn't like what I saw on the popup the first time I clicked on discord by mistake. I won't be signing up for it. I don't like what others are saying about it. I like the forum. If the forum is discontinued, I won't be using anything outside of the game. Sad!!! If they get rid of the forum, they're 'shooting themselves in the foot'.


Chef - loquacious Old Dog
You do have to wonder if in a year we are all on Discord, still grumbling, but not here at all. The things is, most changes take some time to get used to, and, human nature being what it is, once we get used to it, even if we don't like it, if we see no possibility of going back, we adapt and quietly accept it. I'm betting that's what they think will happen here. We'll see.



That's so true. But it's hard to get people to go back to normal when they feel something so negatively. It's important that we all try; thank you for reminding me of that.
Yes, it really is worth at least a try! You're welcome.


@Yavimaya I didn't know it was a contest...or appears to be one. If so, well, we need to get the word out and drag our friends back in.

Thanks for view/info/rumor or whatever.

You're welcome. We really need to tell everybody let's use it while we have it with a chance to maybe get it way longer than we think!