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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes 0.34


Dear Humans and Elves,

Please use this thread to share your thoughts on the changes that came with the update to version 0.34.
We are looking forward to your feedback!

Kind regards,
Your Elvenar Team


Rune shards for quests? That is fabulous! But, I didn't the quest. Is it a storyline quest? If so, that would explain it as I am done with the storyline quests for now. Anything that helps people get runes is wonderful!


The declinable quest 'Basic Resources' is included twice in the list of quests. This was raised as an issue in beta but has been brought forward into the live system.
In effect this means that if you have completed research and sort the quests in the right order you can get double rewards for the quest.
Is this a bug or a feature?


Trader shows trades available after they have been taken.
Could not get fellowship message to work. I had to add a name and then click the fellowship box before it would work.


  • Graphics of the Human Mentor and Builder characters have received a make-over and now look even more stunning
Oh, So this is somehow supposed to make up for the fact that Haman Troops are unbalanced? 2 Light Melee units, with the third unit able to be trained being a WEAK Cerebus for Humans, while Elves get a much stronger Treant? NO Heavy Ranged Units for Humans? Yet the foes we face fighting for provinces are exactly the same?

Yeah, the prettier avatars for the Mentor and Builder do so make up for that HUGE difference between races. Narf... o_O


trades available after they have been taken.
If somebody else buys something, it would take a lot of extra messages to push that information to EVERYBODY who might have an open trade window. It's far kinder to my data limits to refresh the trade window on demand, even if that means I'll occasionally lose the race.
So this is somehow supposed to make up for the fact that Haman Troops are unbalanced?
That's a false equivalence. The graphics design and the combat balance are provided by entirely different groups.
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Well, well, Katwijk has a new dance partner. I'm delighted - as I was tired of my toes being stepped upon. Besides, Reza is a much better dancer.

At least we did get a little quest for spending some KP...I'm grateful for scraps at this point.
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Well, well, Katwijk has a new dance partner. I'm delighted - as I was tired of my toes being stepped upon.

At least we did get a little quest for spending some KP...I'm grateful for scraps at this point.
Lolol! I am enjoying dishing out the cheeeeeeeeeeez and the dance. I love dancing! And happy to give your toes a rest. :D

As far as scraps go... this new "upgrade" seems like a rotten scrap of an oyster on the half shill, left in the sun far too long. But I suppose for those who are finished with the research tree and all quests, a rotten scrap is still food to a starving man. *shrugs*


The update should have included an expansion. the magic academy is 5x4 for humans and 5x5 for elves and it really isn't fair to make us make room for something we weren't planning on having. how important is it to moving forward? I'm in chapter V now and had been planning ahead for how i would use space - specifically second tier upgrades, but this magic academy will use an entire and hard won expansion!