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    Your Elvenar Team

Release notes version 1.3


OMG these tournaments are FUN!!! You start off with very weak enemies. And you fight the other race's enemies. So elven warriors are fighting human enemies and vice versa. I finally know what a paladin is! (Those guys are tough!)

Yup. Significantly more KP. The first fights right next to you can be negotiated for a tiny amount if you don't like fighting. I am all the way up to the 10th tournament and the negotiating costs are as low as 363 supplies, 182 marble and 66 crystal. They were really cheap in the first tournaments.
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I was prematurely excited. Unless they change something, getting runes from the tournaments is a myth. You need 7 neighbors all working together all around the same tournament. It will never happen. We don't have that many active neighbors.


Well, it hasn't been brought live yet, so maybe they are testing it in beta to see if it is workable. The good thing is that people can get TONS of boosted relics. They have a new tournament every week and each week they focus on one good, so in a nine week rotation you will have all your goods boosted by a lot if you do a lot of fighting (or negotiating). That is such a big help, maybe we don't need those wonders at all! ;)


For me the whole point and interest in the game to begin with was a peaceful place where you didn't have to fight so negotiating for me


At least you aren't fighting other players. :) But negotiating the tournaments is cheap too so you can do that too! It is actually fun fighting in the tournaments because the enemies are very weak so you win easily! That is a lot of fun.


Do the new portraits fit under the 1.3 release? I mean, they were added recently so I think they do qualify.

Anyways, I really do love how you've given my elf warlord a proper helmet! Thank you!

We do need more portraits though. It seems like my guild mates all have the same avatar and it gets confusing. Then again, I'm greedy and love variety.

I just wish all of the changes/bugfixes were documented or at least presented to us. I do understand the element of surprise and mystery you may or may not want to keep, but I would like it a ton more if it were written down and made available to us.

I'm looking forward to tournaments when they arrive in 1.4 as I have a lot more unlocked here than I do on the Beta server.