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    Your Elvenar Team

Remodeling question...


I'm in dire need of more space...
Is there a list somewhere of buildings that don't need a road? I know a few of the culture items don't, but is there anything else?
Thanks in advance.


apparently none of the culture items do.
Anything that is upgradeable needs a road that goes to the main hall.


Smarty pants.
I'm upgrading things to level 5 or 6, they want more space...I don't have more space :(


When I need more space, I go scouting and clearing colonies. After xyz cleared colonies, you get a new block of lovely empty land that's almost big enough to do what you want. Which is why I'm training troops all day every day.

My kingdom for the ability to use coins to buy land... or spin stuff 90* to better use the space...


I've given up on troops....I'm encountering Orcs and swamp Monsters so my manufactured goods quickly gets deplenished with negotiations...
I'm scoutng 5 provinces away...


You can kill them. I promise. They look scary, but they die.
Hover over the pic of them to see what their defense bonuses are. If they have protection against arrow attacks, send the dancing sword chicks after them. If they have protection against hand to hand combat, send mostly archers after them. I usually do a 3/2 mix of troops based on what I'm up against.
I upgraded the dung outta my barracks and armory, too. Means my units are larger and train faster, which helps enormously. I'm starting to lose a few more than before, so I may need to upgrade again soon.
I'm not sure why, but my battle units have grown quite a bit. That helps, too.
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Oh that's right - you're human and I'm elf. They're prolly called something different for you. I only have the first two options available. Sword dancers (aka dancing sword chicks) and archers. My armory and barracks are maxed at level 5 right now, until I can research the upgrades. When I go to war, my units have 48 troops in them.


Mine are both level 4... I'm nervous to upgrade as the barracks exploded on the other account due to the glitch..
My squad size is 36 (?) and I have axe barbarians and crossbowmen.... I'm still kinda confused on the fighting end of this....


ok- your axmen are the same as my dancing sword girls, and your crossbowmen are my archers.
I base my team on the composition of my enemy's team. I look at how many opposing units there are, what the defense bonuses are of each, and plan accordingly. If most of my opponents have bonus defense against incoming arrows, in go the dancing sword chicks. If they're best defended against brute strength, then I send more archers. Then I turn it over to the autofight and hope for the best. Generally speaking, I've found that fewer units in the opposing army are better, even if there are large numbers of them in each unit, than multiple units that are smaller in size.
If I am massively overpowered in numbers, I tuck tail and negotiate.


Oh...yeah...me too...but hey... after your little speech, I went to war and won!!!!


Nice...finally :)
Ok, another question... One of my quests was to post a trade... I posted a 2-star trade....if no one takes it, how long does it stay around???
Nevermind....it just got accepted.


You can leave it up there until it gets accepted, or delete it. Your choice. A 2 star trade is a fair trade. A 1 star trade is unfair, and a 3 star trade is you practically givin' it away.


Yep, one of my neighbours often posts some nice 3-star trades... I'm assuming for his fellowship, so I don't touch them.