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    Your Elvenar Team

Remodeling question...


Nice...finally :)
Ok, another question... One of my quests was to post a trade... I posted a 2-star trade....if no one takes it, how long does it stay around???
Nevermind....it just got accepted.

Not related to the main subject but an answer to your duration of a trade if not accepted. Once a trade is posted, it remains in the trader for 7 days. I don't know if it is automatically returned to you, I've never had a trade stay beyond 2 or 3 days myself.


Good info. When I cancel a trade, the goods are returned to me. Hopefully it's the same if the game cancels it.


builder hut doesn't need a road
trader doesn't need a road if you use the shortcut key for it which is (T)


Some of the things I encounter have spells...what do I do to them?
If you have the Cirbius or two headed dog then use those against the priests that have the spells, they are real squishy against them. They also like the archers too. But will be slaughtered if there are any heavy melee troops.


LOL....yes I discovered that... I'm not much of a fighter, went in with a schwack of dogs... it didn't turn out well :(
But, thanks for the info.