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Repeatable quests gone missing - when do they come back?


Hi all,

I started Chapter 3 in the tech tree a couple of weeks back, and as a result advanced the main questline when stepping over from Ch2. I lost a bunch of repeatable quests at the time, while some of the ones that did stay ramped up in difficulty (e.g. Gather 2000 supplies went to 5000 supplies, etc).

However, the one that really hurts to lose is the "Gather x goods", which in Chapter 2 was 200 silk. I've been playing through Chapter 3 and am almost to the end, and that particular one has not reappeared. I was hoping that once I picked up gem manufactories and the associated boost technology (and fulfilled the matching mainline quests) that the repeatable quest would reappear, but it hasn't.

Does anyone know if/when it might reappear? I was very much relying on the quest to provide additional supplies, and while I've managed to work around the deficiency in other ways, it would make things far easier if something similar were available again.

I've been debating whether or not to raise the issue with support, but thought I'd draw on the collective experience of the forums before heading down that road.


There are three types of quests. With a bit of experience you can anticipate which is which, but you're not told ahead of time.
  • Mainline quest can't be dismissed. You have to do them if you want more story line quests.
  • Sideline quests are "optional" story line quests. If you dismiss them you'll never see them again, nor any of the other quests in that group.
  • Optional quests can always be dismissed, and they'll continue to repeat until you advance in your tech tree, whereupon most of your quests, of all three types, will change.


Hi Katwjik, thanks for your reply - I've progressed far enough in the game that I'm reasonably familiar with the various quest types. What I'm asking is when the "collect x manufactured goods" (planks, marble, silk, gems, etc) might come back into the set of repeatable quests I have. I lost it just after the end of Ch2, and I'm nearly through Ch3 and don't have it back yet. I've also progressed the mainline quests to match progress in the tech tree.

I would have expected the production quests to come back when I finished gem manufactories research, plus the associated boost tech, and the matching mainline quests. However, that didn't happen and I'm curious to know when it will. I miss the quest (or more exactly, the rewards) quite a bit.


Hi Mykan, thanks for the reply. The quest I'm referring to is this one from your guide:
Gain 200 (Tier 2 boosted good) 10,000 4,000

...which I've had since midway through Chapter 2. The quests I have at the moment are under your Chapter 4 heading, though I'm only in Chapter 3 at the moment. I'm playing Elves.

If I have to wait until Dwarves to get a similar quest back, I'm going to be a very sad panda :/


I am in chapter 5 and I get those for each of my boosted goods. The amount needed changes to more of them once you are in a new chapter. My boosts are Steel, Scrolls, and Elixer. Which the required amount is 2500 for T1, 1800 T2, and 900 T3.