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    Your Elvenar Team

Required Knowledge Tree Bug


Today, two new required knowledge tree items were added weeks after the latest update. This is an obvious BUG as all players past those additions should have had those grandfathered in. Please fix and refund the knowledge points to all players. Otherwise, it seems like the highest ranked players were given a free pass on their way through the wood elves update but anyone behind them now has an additional barrier. Not very fair. This was an obvious mistake and should be remedied and not repeated ad nauseam as it has been in the past updates. Thanks so much for the great work!


This is not a bug. There is no grandfather clause. All content updates where tech initially released as optional then made mandatory when upgraded tech was introduced has been the standard procedure of operation for Inno Games. As a result anyone who did not initially research the optional tech which became mandatory at it's original release date will have to back track to fill it in. There is no free pass to anyone, if they chose to skip the optional tech, then they will have to go back as well when it becomes mandatory.

Yes it is annoying, wish they would just make the tech mandatory upon original release. There is no knowledge points to refund. If the tech was skipped, means no KP was put into it which means no KP was lost. If the tech was introduced with a player past the point it was introduced at, nothing to refund either as it didn't exist and again no KP put into it.


This is an obvious BUG as all players past those additions should have had those grandfathered in
Fattening up the Tech Tree is very good business.

The established pattern is that the intermediate techs will be optional for two weeks, so that you can complete them at your convenience, and the then become mandatory.

I don't understand why you thing the techs should be grandfathered, when you're already paying for them with cheap coin that will a new player, because your production capacity is more advanced.