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    Your Elvenar Team

Royal Restoration


Well-Known Member
The most common sources of RR spells is tournaments, where you can win up to 5 each week from the group level prize chests, and you can craft 10 of them from each blueprint that you win if your fellowship opens all ten chests in the tournament.

You use your RR spells by going to the upgrade option of an event building from a previous chapter. If you have enough RR spells you can hit the upgrade button and upgrade the building by one chapter. You will need one RR spell for each square of area the building occupies.


Active Member
Get them by in various amount by various chests in Tournament, - or by Crafting.
Crafting them requires spending a Blueprint- which are won only by 10 chests in tournament.

Spending them is simply to have Enough of them to Spend, when you Upgrade a Prize Building.
Each Square of a prize building will cost 1 RR, per level upgraded.


Well-Known Member
use royal restoration

To add...They are the 'new' blueprints IMO. For the Diamond players that do NOT have a 'blue' city, but everything else. It's the new dynamic & challenge.

In short? You got it.

All the 'fancy' buildings that you work your azz off to get & want to upgrade later, as you progress in the tech tree/research.

...or, you could sell your buildings & hope you get them again in future Events.

Choose accordingly, based upon your play-style.