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RR spells devalued??


Well-Known Member
I noticed that my Royal Restoration spells now only give back THIRTY spell fragments, instead of the 200+ they used to give back. Is this a bug, or intentional nerfing?


Well-Known Member
Looks like I'd get 40 fragments for disenchanting one. Never have, though, so can't comment on what it was worth before.

Did this happen recently, or when they adjusted the cost/value of event buildings in the crafter a few updates back?


Buddy Fan Club member
Same as @Kekune here; guessing we both have lvl 5 MA's that should account for the difference between the 30 & 40 SF's. But I also never looked at what they were worth in SF's before reading this post...


I do remember them paying back more than they do now. and yes it was around 200. so i guess its an intentional nerf. seems like an odd bug to me.


Well-Known Member
It was fairly recently. And yes, MA lvl does determine the discrepancy in 30 to 40. I just find it odd that something I spent bp to make is suddenly majorly nerfed with NO notice or even mention. 30 to 40 sf is ridiculous compared to what it cost to craft, or even gain. Typical Inno.