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    Your Elvenar Team


Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
Shield Agents.jpg
We meet at S.H.I.E.L.D, Stan’s HQs in Elvenar’s Leviathan Dock.
Kindly lend a hand on our journey through this magical land.

Without a doubt, you will come across dangerous beasties roaming about.

Ferocious Swamp Monsters lurk in the Steel Provinces. They throw mud in your troops’ eyes. Hey, isn’t that dirty fighting?
Your troops better get good at dodging mud because they’re accompanied by Thornrose Mages.

Thornrose Mages cast Thorn Winds Spells that pepper your troops with enchanted thorns, weakening their strength for 3 rounds.
Knowing what to expect when they emerge from their huts, prevents your troops from getting mud in their eyes and thorns in their butts.

A Ghastly Banshee roams Provinces of Magic Dust. Avoiding her spells is a must.

All these beasties are quite a challenge to defeat.
But no need to fear. There is also beauty here.

Workshops at Level 24 employ Dragons to help with shipping. When they deliver a package to you, please no tipping.

Elvenar’s university you must see. Classes are taught by a dragon who loves poetry.

The Blooming Trader Guild helps with trades at a reasonable fee and always buzzing with activity.

Please post fair trades 2-3 stars, if goods you seek. Aid & trade with your fellowship 2 or 3 times a week.

In the Spire of Eternity legend tells, you'll find Teleport Building Spells.
Participating in the Spire earns great rewards and is fun to do.
Whether or not you want to join in is up to you.

In the Tournaments it's not mandatory to compete but…
if you want to increase your goods production boosts, gain
Knowledge and Ranking Points, Relics and Rune Shards,
I cannot overstate how important it is to participate.

In our search for Elvenar’s ancient secrets, we’ll meet Guest Races who may share their magical knowledge, ancient battle units, and teach us new and improved production techniques. My favorite are the Halflings who don’t brandish arms. Gardeners they be, tending their Grape Farms.

Have fun before the day is done. Excelsior! (Ever upward)
~ THOR ~
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Midwife Trish

New Member
Hi there! I am less poetical, but do have a question. Two others and I are looking for a FS that will welcome lower level players who want to play often and well. can you help?

Tauriel Dragonwood

Well-Known Member
I started a new city because I want Elvenar to again be fun, fighting in Easy Provinces and being able to build a ton. I login daily except weekends where I spend time with my family. My fellowship is in Ceravyn. Join us to see if we’re what you’re looking for. If not, there are plenty more.
If the Silver Dragon Clan doesn’t work out for you, you are welcome to join our fellowship.

You can join a Fellowship by invitation or by sending an application. In order to apply for a Fellowship, the best method is to open the Fellowships window (shield icon), under your player avatar. Go to the 'Requests' tab and click the 'Find Fellowships' button. Some Fellowships allow you to join them immediately, without the need of any application process. Such Fellowships will have a 'Join' button, rather than an 'Apply' one.

Alternatively, you can view the rankings underneath your player avatar. From there, you can select "Fellowships" and apply to one that suits your game-play. You can also accept invitations from Fellowships by clicking on the shield icon next to your player avatar and clicking the appropriate boxes to accept or decline an invitation.
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