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    Your Elvenar Team

Score only


At least once a week I track scores for the members of my FS. I open the fellowship members page and take the current score and subtract last weeks score from it. Periodically I come up with a negative number. And that is usually caused from a member selling items to rearrange their city. But a couple times there has no been no explanation for the negative numbers. For example

Magicskittle plays everyday. She upgraded a number of different items, played in the tournament as she finished the dwarve chapter. She had not deleted any of the mines or portal and ended up negative.

Another example. We had another player who hasn't played in at least 3 weeks. ( when someone doesn't play their score = 0 as there's been no change ) She logged in once and was negative 150. She may have deleted something when she logged in but that sure seems strange.

What would cause a player to have a negative score from one week to the next if they are not selling anything?


I am curious on the answer to this also-for I have noticed a negative red on my score when I was upgrading once or twice.
anyone with answer?
Also-I want to know when you take score-which number is the best one to track on, the fellowship rank score or the elvenar rank score?

Deleted User - 794893

it is negative because they sell buildings .. I do the weekly stats in the fellowship I am in .. I take the rank that is visible when you click on your fellowship icon to do your daily visits .. after all it is a fellowship thing =o)