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Scouting time and cost.


Can anyone explain why the scouting time for ring 10 has gone from 1600k and 1 day to 1900k and 1 day 4 hrs.?

Or is this another of Inno's ways of slowing us down?


There are three factors t:hat contribute to scouting costs:
  1. Your advanced scouting technology (a 25% reduction in scouting costs and a ??% reduction in battle difficulty and perhaps the cost of negotiation
  2. The ring distance
  3. The total number of scouted provinces
When you look at the scoutable sectors, you will note that the costs are all the same for all of the sectors within each ring. When you scout an additional sector, anywhere, all of the scouting cost go up, everywhere.


I am only speaking of ring 10's they have increased from 1600k to 1900k in 1 weeks time.
And scouting time has gone from 24 hrs to 30 hrs.

Ok I am on my 223 province good thing I am doing advanced scouting in chapter 8.
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With each province that you scout, the next province will be slightly more expensive, even if it is in the same ring.


Each province you do seems to add time and cost. If not 100k and an hour per province then it's per 2 provinces.