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    Your Elvenar Team

Sell (more) low grade items at the Wholesaler for high grade


Simple concept designed to help out folks who, due to neighborly circumstances, might not have the trading partners they need.

Really simple; add in a buying section on the wholesale tab where you can say, use your over abundance of steel to buy higher level goods, but at a much higher rate., kind of like when you try to trade a lesser grade item for higher grade in the place offer tab, the automatic default is sell-four-to-get-one. A similar set up could be done on the wholesaler. With as expensive as they are now with same level items, it wouldn't give much of an advantage because of the (even higher than normal) rate of exchange, but could be used to help out people who really cannot get the goods they might need for a quest or building by depending on neighbor trade, or on that last tiny push when you just miss the mark on a 'get this many of this item' quest.