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    Your Elvenar Team

September Episode


Buddy Fan Club member
Is there an event schedule somewhere for when the next FA will start and if they are doing a Christmas/Holiday event? I've been sort of out of the loop and nothing came up on my search. I need to have my fellowship be more prepared for the next FA so we can get through the three chests.


Mathematician par Excellence
Is there an event schedule somewhere for when the next FA will start and if they are doing a Christmas/Holiday event? I've been sort of out of the loop and nothing came up on my search. I need to have my fellowship be more prepared for the next FA so we can get through the three chests.
My understanding is that there will be a winter event, but we do not have any info on it at all yet (even on Beta)
However for the winter event to be active around Christmas it will have to start on Beta sometime in the next 2 weeks.

As for the FA, those seem to be more of a filler event, without any set schedule. I would not expect another one this year.


Buddy Fan Club member
My understanding is that there will be a winter event, but we do not have any info on it at all yet (even on Beta)
However for the winter event to be active around Christmas it will have to start on Beta sometime in the next 2 weeks.

As for the FA, those seem to be more of a filler event, without any set schedule. I would not expect another one this year.

That is unfortunate. I was hoping that the FA's would be on a regular schedule like the tournaments. It would simplify everything. Events can be run in tandem, one doesn't exclude the other. On their other game, Forge of Empires, they run the guild expeditions and the events at the same time as well as the tournaments so I guess I fail to see why they wouldn't stick with a format that already works.

Deleted User - 1061148

This last FA tore our fellowship completely apart. Everyone got mad-stopped listening to the person that was in charge of it, the ARCH quit-and everyone else dropped like flies out of the fellowship.3-4 of us actually worked our butts off trying to finish the FA..we did, it was hard. Then we had to find a new home-cuz the rest packed up and left. Sad Event.


Buddy Fan Club member
This last FA tore our fellowship completely apart. Everyone got mad-stopped listening to the person that was in charge of it, the ARCH quit-and everyone else dropped like flies out of the fellowship.3-4 of us actually worked our butts off trying to finish the FA..we did, it was hard. Then we had to find a new home-cuz the rest packed up and left. Sad Event.
Im sorry to hear that. At the end of the day, this is a game. It can be easy to get wrapped up in it. I know I have. It's a great avoidance technique, but when it becomes that important that you will argue over it, then it's time to maybe find a bunch of new peeps to play with. My fellowship didn't finish the three chests, we have never seen a whirlpool. We get on average four chests in the tournaments. I would love to get six or seven tourney chests, all through the fellowship adventures and to make sure that we all finish any event, but it is not to be. I do as much as I can. I've recruited my two daughters to play to help with tournaments and the FA because they are both ranked players on Smite, League of Legends, Black Desert, and some other game that can't remember the name of. They know how to grind and fight. The FA's are just grinder events and tourney's are fight events, not to mention this is a stress-free interlude during their matches. We've had the issue in our fellowship of people just not playing and not telling us. I'm archmage and I will confess, it kind of bothers me that they don't even say goodbye. One long time member that predated my joining the fellowship left and I cried, yes real tears, because it is like losing a friend.Anyway, you can only control yourself, so if other people aren't going to participate or are going to look for a reason to rage-quit, they will find one.