I think Inno is missing a huge money-making opportunity by not offering those old set pieces for cash, on occasion. I know lots of people would buy a missing piece, and I can't see how it would hurt them to get the cash.
maybe a Tome sometime as a Season reward (and most likely a premium reward).
Inno has had sales before where ya get a choice of 4 things, then
each one you can buy X amt of them. I'm all for buying missing
pieces for
, but we run into the age old problem from Inno's
perspective and the problem of imbalancing the game somehow,
not to mention those who might not get the chance because they
already have too much of everything.
Lets say Inno did offer this.
1) players would expect it, and be less likely to spend during an
event, if they knew later on they could just buy the missing piece.
2) Whales would buy the max everytime even if they already had
2-3 full sets of stuff, if given the chance.
3) Inno doesnt like universal anything, so it still might take years
to rotate thru the sets, like if it were black friday deals each year.
4) Pricing here is key, otherwise it looks like the rich get richer
and the poor stay poor. they have to be accessable.
"the spirit of the sale" would be to allow ppl that are missing
1 here or 1 there, to fill thier set. What about those who just
want an xtra piece or two, or those ppl that have 3-4 full sets
already ??? Do we limit them, and how much ?
I think Inno's objections would stem from #1/#3 above, yet
I agree with Darielle they should be offered somehow. I wont
quibble tho, anyone with >2 of any piece, cant buy any. I also
figure pricing should be on par with paying to get that last
piece, or say 1500-2000
each, my guess is Inno would charge
4-5k each, which is too much in my book. My fear about a
premium seasons reward is it may be for cashola only and
not for diamonds. I wholeheartedly agree with Dari, Inno
shuld find a way to sell them.