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    Your Elvenar Team

shroom of wisdom


Buddy Fan Club member
It's the bottom right production in a mushroom farm. You need dung (produced in rally points) and orcs* Once you have enough of those resources for a production, the blue 'diamond only' button will change to the regular green button.

*(not the Orc troops. These the little green orc heads, a resource produced in armories lvl 2+ or in orc nests/other event bldgs received after unlocking the orc chapter. These little orcs are trained in the Training Grounds to become the Orc troops. These little orcs are required for the rest of the game for bldg upgrades, encounter negotiations, etc).


New Member
It's the bottom right production in a mushroom farm. You need dung (produced in rally points) and orcs* Once you have enough of those resources for a production, the blue 'diamond only' button will change to the regular green button.

*(not the Orc troops. These the little green orc heads, a resource produced in armories lvl 2+ or in orc nests/other event bldgs received after unlocking the orc chapter. These little orcs are trained in the Training Grounds to become the Orc troops. These little orcs are required for the rest of the game for bldg upgrades, encounter negotiations, etc).
leads to next question: how do i get orc dung?


Well-Known Member
From ElvenGems:
Screenshot 2022-08-21 18.31.20.png


Oh Wise One
@gnortsmra The Rally Points are huge but you will need fewer of them. I had either 2 or 3 Rally Points when I did Orcs. It has been so long I honestly don't remember which. But I had over 20 Mushroom Farms. Once again, can't remember the exact number, but it was a lot.


@gnortsmra go the elvengems.com, scroll down to guest race guide - orcs and goblins and you will get all of your questions answered much more efficiently and more useful information. Repeat for every new chapter.

(Advice along the the lines of: "Give a man [sic] a fish and you feed him for one meal; teach a man to fish and you drastically increase his intake of beer".)
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