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Simia Sapiens

sanguine air

New Member
Does the Simia increase the supplies required for troops as well as increase the quantity of troops produced? or just a troop boost for the same supplies? I suspect it will increase the time required, but am concerned about my supply production with the % increase of troops.


New Member
No, it's a bonus number of troops added per collection.
As you increase your Troop training size it will require more supplies, but the Simia bonus has no impact on it. I left my Simia at Lv26 for the past year and could kick myself when I realized how much the bonus adds at those upper levels and beyond Lv30.

Yogi Dave

Well-Known Member
You only pay for your training size, but at collection you get the bonus troops, so it not only doesn't increase cost, it doesn't increase training time. SimSap is the first AW I upgraded to level 35. As such it gives me 46% bonus troops for free! That's almost as much as a brown bear which is 50% but it cost a pet food for just a half a day. SimSap works for each and every collection forever, which I hear is a long time.